Nightshade Be Mine Ryan's Side Of Story PART 1
Read Count : 133
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Romance
Part 1 Ryan Nightshade was a pretty boy and has been all his life u he was born into a wealthy family and never had to want or need anything because it was always given to him. But there was something no one ever knew about. None of his friends or family members had any clue to what he really was doing. Ryan is bisexual but he kept it to himself all the time. No could ever tell that he was because he had woman flocking to him like he had an antina or something. Well one night Ryan decided that he was going to go to a club and his friends had told him about a good one. As he drove into the parking lot he could tell that the club was packed he smiled and smirked slightly as he got out and went into the club. As he entered he spotted the bar and walked over taping the top of it as he spoke saying ~ Excuse me bartender can i get a beer~ the bartender turned around and looked at Ryan saying ~ That'll be $5.50~ Ryan looked at the man a little pissed and said ~ What the hell~ the bartender looked at him again and saying with his hand on the bar top ~ You can take it or leave it that's your choice~ Ryan grumbled as he took out his wallet still looking a little pissed off as he slammed the money down on the bar top looking at the man he took the money and brought back Ryan a beer. Ryan would take the beer as he turned around looking at the crowed trying to find a place to seat himself he spotted a place in the back where it was a little darker he walked to the booth and sat his beer down after he did he took his jacket off and sat down laying the black leather jacket over his knee he would reach forward to grab his beer. As he did he saw too woman approaching him he was still a little pissed but put on a show as he smiled and said ~ Hello ladies please take a seat~ the woman both smiled and sat by him he would watch the crowed as his eyes wondered to each person in the night club. The woman started a conversation of there own and Ryan would act like he was paying attention by moving his head in a yes or no fashion as he would also chuckle and drink his beer. He looked back at the door as a man walked in and he saw him look over when he did Ryan acted like he didn't even see him. The man started walking over to there booth as both the woman went quiet when the man sat a beer in between Ryan's legs. Ryan heard the man say ~ A beer for a Beautiful Stranger~ and he suddenly jerked his attention to the man looking at him saying ~ I dont swing that way but thanks for the beer man~ the man smirked a little as he walked away Ryan's eyes would wonder and follow were the man went. The sat on a throne that was sat upon the stage overseeing everything. Ryan got up and asked the girls if they would like to go back to his place with him they agreed and all got up to go outside. When they were outside Ryan would wrap both arms around each girl he would smirk a little feeling lucky this time. AS he passed the alley that leads to the side entrance of the club he heard someone call to him saying ~ Hey Beautiful Stranger ~ as he heard those words he told the girls to go before him and wait at the car. Ryan turned around and saw the same man that gave him a beer he would walk up to him and say ~ What the fuck do you want man i already told you once i dont swing that way~ he would feel the anger swelling up inside of him. The man smiled as he looked to Ryan as he could see his anger was a little out there right this second so the man said ~ I dont want anything its what you want im concerned with~ the man would slip Ryan his number and Ryan would growl as he began to walk off he retorted with ~ Fuck Off~. He got the girls back to his place as they would play for a few hours before they fell asleep.
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