The Simple Man Read Count : 115

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
A simple man saw this little girl and twinkled his eye to see her demeanor. When it rained a shower, he spoke not a word. But knew he must meet this little girl. When the earth shook, he spoke just a few. Answering her I love you in special hearts approval that you are in my prayer. I love  you little girl, you mean more than you know and I will bring you up in my love to show you that I once saw you. You are my little child, and friend and I'll show you. Whatever is thrown your way is not my heart to you, and I'll prove it in a choice no one can and I'll love you more.
When you are older, when you disappoint me, I choose for you not to remember the bad you do but, instead I'll love you much more and forgive you little girl ; all the way until your last breadth you breathe. I'll remember the sin no more. It is all that I see to love you more when you forget of me, I'll wait at the door and watch your heart break but, I'll be ready to mend your little heart. For I choose you as my child when you were a little girl and sealed you for you are mine and I with you. All of hell may come against you, but I'll be there to love you more.  For, when your in pain   and feel me not,  that's when I'll love   you so much and show you through my kissthat all of it was an illusion; a lie that can't lead you. But, it is I child that lead you first of all , for I knew you at beginning. I knew you and watched you grow in your mother's womb and said your name in heaven that. " You are my child".
My friend, a simple man, is loving me when he spoke once in a time ago. He knows that this little girl's pain and how she would feel. So, he loved her so that he saved her first before all hell would hurt this little girl. So he led you on little girl straight into the arms of this simple man to his hearts adore. And he then fell in love with this little girl and was favored at youth before all of hell ; knew not and this simple man's quest was won about this little girl when he spoke once upon a time many years ago.
Love is greater than I can ever understand. It's depths unceasing throughout it's quest. For none can perceive the meaning of Christ. For in his heart are Love's gentle light. Love never gives up on you, nor does it shine ugly to wrong your heart. Love strengthens your weakest point to never let go of what is known to Love's given and never let's go. love will face all obstacles within it's grasp. It never ceases to capture it's beauty of how greater is it's might! Love goes beyond all dimensions and never fades to show truth. Is a leader for nothing is greater than Love's marvelous gate.  But love disciplines those who perceive it wrong. And defends those who need God's love. For love defends the truth with might! And the power of truth is a shelter from the night. Love defends the captives throughout the night to lead them back to the light and quickens those who are imprisoned from deaths night and capture' s them who fight deaths fight. Love determines all those who seek after the light and judges the hearts of all those in the darkness and in the light. Nothing can you hide from Love's wonderous power. Great is Love's marvelous might. .
For love overcomes mountains that stand in Love's way and they crumble throughout all of God's glorious way. Love endures and never gives away a little light. Faith heals the brokenhearted with his gentle arms showering the light's way. Love never fails nor ceases in travail, but presses on to win the prize. It is you child! 
Here are some scriptures from the Bible that perceive this writing.
God is love.    Faith hope and love are the good things he gave us, but the greatest of these is love
First Corinthians: 13 read all the way till love never fails.
Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God.
Written by, Brandy Elizabeth Wilson and my guardian angel with the Lord Jesus Christ my savior. Thank you Chris. I love you funny face.



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