My Life Read Count : 225

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
 My name is Ramaya Lewis and I want to be an author\poet when I grow up. I write a lot in my notebooks and when others see it they would be surprised. They would say "Dang, that's a lot of words" I know. I am highly obsessed with my writing. I started writing when I was 9 years old. Three years later here I am chasing my dream hoping that my writing will get forward in life. I may have some depression issues because it's middle school and you know how that goes down. If I don't exactly have anyone to read my work(which I don't) I would have you all to read it. Again my name is Ramaya Lewis and I'm a 12 year old sixth grader. Enjoy my writing!


  • all the best, you'll become a writer 😊

    Jan 18, 2018

  • All the best! Keep up the grind! Don't ever forget that passion and keep writing!

    Jan 18, 2018

  • your doing the right thing never let anyone tell you that you shouldn't follow your dreams. i think u will be a great writer and im in middle school too so i know how it feels

    Jan 18, 2018

  • Ramaya sweetie, I was once you a very, very long time ago. I, too have been scribbling words and writing stuff for as long as I can remember. And guess what? I've had a lot of negative remarks from people who just don't get it. Did it stop me from pursuing my passion? No. Keep on keeping on. Pursue your passion and go after your dream. Don't do it for praise or recognition or fame. Do it for the right reasons and intentions and everything else will fall into place. All the best! 💜

    Jan 18, 2018

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