Dark Night. Chapter 1
Read Count : 50
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Horror
One night a little girl named Ellie woke up hearing scratching noises On her floor in front of her bed she took a peak and saw a black tall creature with red scary eyes looking right at her. Ellie, said the black figure it said it's coming for you and in a blink the creature Disappeared in the darkness Ellie was confused of what she just saw. Next morning ellie woke up questioning if it was a dream she looked for her mom and dad in the kitchen but they weren't there, it's like they disappeared with no trace so Ellie looked in there Basement and what she saw was disturbing. Ellie found her parents hanged On a rope with there body ports ripped off and there eyeballs where not there and behind them on the mirror it said your next...ellie Ran with fear in her eyes intill when she turned around t of face her room for there was the creature again with blood on his body giving Ellie a creepy smile and getting closer intill he could just feel her breath of panic and started chasing her. Ellie got out side and drove off until she was lost.