Read Count : 48
Category : Blogs
Sub Category : LifeStyle
There are different ones. Sex, masturbation, singing, dancing, laughing, meditation, stretching, deep breathing, smelling relaxing scents, taking a hot bath (possibly bubble), looking at cuteness, walking it off, reading, listening to music, venting, journaling, blogging, talking it out with the one that angered or stressed you. They all work, though some work better for certain people. Depends on you. Pick the ones you like and that work. I don’t recommend gaming it off even though I’m a gamer myself precisely because I am one. I’ve gamed when stressed or angry and it does not go well. My gaming itself suffers and I’m left feeling even more stressed because by then I have not only my original anger or stress but the added stress of having my ass handed to me because my latent tension made me mess up in-game. I don’t even think working out works. Walking it off is a bit different. There are precise movements to working out and if one messes those up one will need at least a physical therapist if not a chiropractor. Walking doesn’t require that kind of precision. When I mentioned dancing, I just meant general dancing that’s fun and also doesn’t require precise movements. If it’s choreographed, the latent tension will sneak up on you and make you mess up, then you’re left feeling frustrated at yourself for getting the movements wrong. Not fun. When I mentioned singing, I didn’t mean technical or anything difficult like opera. It’s just to sing out the stressed energy. It’s physiologically cathartic. Anger and stress are very physiological emotions. They’re felt not just in our minds and hearts but in our bodies as well. If we don’t emotionally and physically express them and get them out of us, we risk having further tension problems.
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