(No Title Yet) Chapter One; Elizabeth
Read Count : 141
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : YoungAdult
I honestly never wanted to move, but it isn't up to me. No one asked me whether or not I wanted to leave my family's tiny little house in the middle of nowhere, in order to move into a new house in a neighborhood full of people or they didn't ask me if I wanted to leave my school and my friends only to go to a school where people will hate me and think I'm weird. Someone taps me on the shoulder and I open my eyes, one of my twin brothers, Emmett or Elliot, I can't tell which in my drousy state, points to my window. 'God I must have fallen asleep' I turn my head and look out of the window of the car and see a large two story yellow house. 'Oh we must be here' Opening the door to the car, I unbuckle myself, grab the box next to me, and head to the house. The twins bump into me as they run up to the house and drop off their boxes only to run back and get more. I exhale and blow a piece of hair out of my face as I sit down on the porch, waiting for the rest of my family to get their boxes so we can go inside. ---------Setting change--------- I lay down on my bed. We had just unpacked all of our most important belongings when I see a flash of light coming from the doorway. I glance at it annoyed but then head downstairs. Elliot races downstairs behind me and not even a second later comes Emmett. Turning to me Emmett says, "Neighbors." I nod and continue to the living room where I see three people, a woman and a man. 'Parents. I presume' And A boy, my age, leaning against the arm of the love seat. The movers had put all of our furniture in before we arrived. Looking around I realize that everyone is talking, so I take a moment to look over the "Neighbors" Starting with the woman, She's well postured. Her hair is long and dark. And her eyes are a very bright green. 'Hmm. Interesting.' The man is well rounded in body type. His hair is short and dirty blonde. While his eyes are a deep ocean blue. I turn to look at the son but am cut off by Elliot kicking my shin and then pointing to my mom. Turning towards her. She begins moving her hands quickly in patterns. Her lips are moving also so I know she's talking to the neighbors. "And this is my daughter Elizabeth." I glance at the family across from mine and wait for the reaction. The parents are slightly shocked but the son begins talking and I quickly read his lips. I only know he's yelling because of his expression and body language. "Your daughters deaf?!" Yep. (Thank you all for reading the first chapter! Please judge honestly! Love y'all, Jewels) [Ps. If you have any ideas for the name of this writing. Please tell me. I NEED IDEAS. 💙] {P.P.S I'm going to try to write a new chapter every day. But sometimes there will be more than one chapter a day. Because I get bored.}