The Loyalists Read Count : 157

Category : Stories

Sub Category : YoungAdult
We live in a world built by men, woman and artists. Artists define who we are, they determine what we like and what we will become. It is not a matter of liking art but a matter of accepting it, adapting to it if you will. Following the trendsetters and the trendy all the way to their emotionless filled houses allows them to set trends for you and me.

But if I am a trendsetter and you are a trend dose that make me trendy? I think not. To be an automatic trend means being created by a skill or skills and not by a man singing a song in a genre that devotes it's efforts to being sexualized and transparent. You cannot consider anything real if it is man made, it becomes invented and of all the inventions in the world not one of them would be considered a trend. 

What is it about trends that make us foolish you ask? They alter us, they alter our ego. Trends take everything that we are and spin it around in a toilet that dosen't flush. Trends are the only thing in this world brave enough to stand up to loyalty. 

What is being loyal then? I'm glad you asked. Being loyal means not switching to do or watch or sound like something just because right now, at this very moment it's trendy. Did jack the ripper start praying on those defenceless whores because murder was a top trend at that time? No. He killed for thrill of it because that was who he was. Loyalty. 

Did Stephen King begin writing romantic comedies instead of his signature thriller horror stories because romance is a more commercial trending scene? No. Loyalty. 

Perhaps Bring Me The Horizon only changed everything about who they are as artists because the singer needed throat surgery. Yes. I'm sure it had nothing to do with the commercial value in Mechanical Pop Culture these days. I'm sure their older scene was not left behind because they felt their fans were not good enough to stay loyal too. Disloyalty. 

We are all guilty of it at some stage except for those of us who are called.

The Loyalists. 


  • May 09, 2017

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