Nightshade Be Mine (yoai) Part 3 Read Count : 149

Category : Adult

Sub Category : Erotic
Damian returned to the room that he had used for the session, taking the plastic fitted sheet off the bed  and puting it by the door , grabing the bag from the trashcan he tied it and threw it by the door as well and grabed his things he used and walked to the sanitary station , a place where you had everything you needed to safely sanitize the things that come with being in the lifestyle, he did what was needed and then returned his flogger back here it belonged and grabed the trash bag and the fitted sheet and walked first to the waste basket for the trashbags and put it in there with the others that had accumilated, stoping next to the laundry room he peeked and made a face at the acumilation , there was atleast 3 loads of bedsheets. The washers and dryer  were industrial sized. Starting a load he started cleaning up the rest of the club while he waited , switching it out when he heard the buzzer and continued making sure everything was cleaned and sanitary to his taste he finally finished the last load of folding the sheets and putting new ones on the beds that needed them and cleaning the rooms even the ones that werent used. Checking his phone he realized it was 2:30 am and he sighed and smiled feeling accomplished he went back to his room he uses, and noded as everything was put away and back to how it was supposed to be. He grabed a sweater out of the dresser and put it on with no shirt , put on his boots and took his nice clothes with him still in the bag he put it in  , knowing he needed to shower he would return the clothes protector sometime this week on his way home from work. He locked up the place and made sure the alarm was set , He walked with his duffle bag over his shoulder and his clothes behind his shoulder to his car, taking his keys out of his pocket and clicked the unlock button  making it light up and beep. He smiled at his mundane car that  he made sure it keep it up to code and it rode like a champ, most wouldnt expect the horse power that came behind it  but some knew, those people offered to take it off his hands all the time. Ofcourse he declined it was his first car he ever got on his own that wasnt part of his inheritance. Also a little thing most people dont know was he was a son of a very well established major company name. He hid that fact , because he didnt want people to think him as a celeberty of a sort. It always made him uncomfortable. His black Honda Accord had a little bit of flair tho it had blue skulls dancing on blue flames that went from the hood around the side. Opening the back seat he put the duffle bag and hung his clothes on the little hook in the inside of the door. Closeing it he went around the front and climbed in , getting comfortable as he put in the key and it purred to life. Turning on his radio he waited for the car to warm up completely and headed to his appartment.

Ryan looked at his clock it was 2:30 am , the two ladies that he left with earlier that night sound asleep, after he stormed out of the Market he was beyond flustered and lets just say those girls got worn out from him taking it out on them sexually. His mind kept going over what happened with Scar, his cock starting to harden again he sighed and went to the shower to relieve it he figured he might as well shower in the process. Walking out with just a towel around his hips he went to grab a cig and realized he was out. Grabing  a pair of clean pants no underwear , shirt, jacket and socks and black converse shoes he grabed his wallet and keys and went to his car he had parked in his designated space. He pressed the unlock button on his key set and the black Chevrolet Camaro Z28 flashed its lights , getting in he started it up and stretched and rubed his face  waking up a little bit more , turning on his raido he put his seatbelt on and shifted into reverse and into gear heading twords the closest gas station. Arrivng at the gas station he parked and hoped out  lightly jogging to where the gas station service person was behind the glass. " yeah id like a carton of your menthol Newport cigerates please." The man nodded grabed a carton and rang it up . " yeah that would be $41.95." Ryan pulled out his card and put it in the bin and waited for it to be rang up. Hearing another car pull in he just glanced at it and shrugged. The car was black with blue skulls and fire on it, which he thought was pretty cool but slightly shivering due to the cold temperture outside and his still damp hair , he just grabed his cigs and went to his car throwing them into the front seat he adjusted himself and took out a pack , packing it against his palm a few times and opened it , he tossed out the outer warper that comes off when you open it and the font part of the pack and started looking for a lighter  and shruged and pushed in the one that came in the car. After getting his seatbelt on he reversed and headed back to his apartment lighting his cig along the way, sighing in sweet relief of having that first drag. Opening his door to his appartment he made sure not to make much noise as he removed his shoes and jacket ,putting the jacket over a chair he had in the kitchen he went to his phone and looked up the number of the Market he visited, writing it down he put it in his wallet and layed down on the couch with a blanket as the girls hogged his bed while he was gone. "ugh, I just need to find out who Sir Beast is or atleast get ahold of him somehow without a session, not sure I am ready for that anyway.  Maybe if we just have a drink or two and kiss him it will go away." Finally feeling the exhaustion he passed out . When he woke up he noticed the girls were gone , shrugging he decided to go by the Market maybe he can get his number and get this over with. As he pulled up he noticed a familar car in the parking lot. Walking up to it he admired it and noticed the licence plate said S!R B3ast, smiling he couldnt believe his luck, he went up to the door and asked the door person who he needed to speak with to get Sir Beasts number. They just said to make a play date and they would get ahold of him , sighing he nodded. "who do I talk to about that then? " they responded " that would be S , she is in and around the corner by the  cherity box. "  heading in he walked to the bar and saw a very short woman with red hair cut short but cute , dressed like a tomboy. " Hello, are you S?" Ryan spoke unsure if it was her but couldnt figure who else it could be. Turning to him she pushed up her glasses and looked him up and down. " I am , how may I help you?" He shifted and rubed the back of his head as a light blush came to his face. 
"I would like to make a meeting with Sir Beast, they said you dont give out personal number, my name is Ryan and I just wanted to have a few beers with him. I sat in on one of his sessions and .. well I just wanted to have a few beers with him." S chuckled as a knowing smile came to her lips. " how bout this champ ..." He  saw her write down something and handed it to him. Looking at it , he slightly frowned, " wait I know this number...." pulling out the number that the guy handed him the other night he looked at it and feel back into the seat. " Are you telling me Sir Beast sits there ?" He pointed to the throne. S looked and chuckled." well yeah , didnt you know he is the one who owns this place he can sit where he likes but he is a little flashy sometimes and likes the attention it gets him." Ryan put his hand to his face and laughed slightly shaking his head almost in disbelief. " Well thank you S have a great day, love the outfit btw very .. semi manly" S just waved at him and turned back to the bar talking with the bartender. Ryan walked out and sat in his car and checked the numbers side by side and whispered " Well fuck me sideways." pulling out his phone he dialed the number with slightly shakey hands, he licked his lips as he suddenly got dry mouth and waited as it rang.The other end picked up and said " The Beast is speaking how may i help you?"Ryan chuckled slightly before saying " Well how bout a few drinks with a beautiful man that was in your Market the other day?" there was silence for a few seconds, those seconds his heart raced so hard he swears it would have been heard had he been sitting next to him. " oh beautiful stranger , hello, I was wondered when you would call" Ryan heard the smile that came into his voice. Almost instantly making him go defensive "And, how did you know I would call huh smarty pants?" Well I noticed you had a semi after the session so I knew most of your attitude was a front." His voice going low  making Ryan almost shiver. " When do you want to meet and where I can make sure not to book any appointments for that night , because I have a feeling it will be a long night." Dami would chuckle. Ryan's heart skiped a beat as his  laughter hit him making him blush. " Are you free today?" His words came out soft and hesitant. Dami was quiet for a few moments and Ryan could hear paper in the backround. " You're in luck , today was my free day, did you want to be in public , maybe somwhere close to a motel maybe so I dont have to drive home." Ryan opened his mouth and shut it , thinking for a moment and whispered " Can we go to your's? I can leave my car or I could follow you and leave later?" " Where are you now?" Dami asked." outside the Market." He heard the phone click and a minute later Ryan saw him without his mask and looking more handsome than he could ignore. A blush raiseing instantly to his cheeks he took deep breaths and the got out of the car and waved. He came over and took his hand  looking  at Ryan with a look that he felt burned into his soul  before taking him to his car and unlocking it opening the passenger door for him before going around to his. Ryan put his hands in his pockets after buckling in afraid his shaking hands would give him away at his nervousness. " do you mind if I smoke?" Dami pulled out a butt can that fit into his cupholder. " just ash and put the butts in the cup and not out the window, dont need a ticket. Ryan just noded. " also, before we go what is your name? I dont want to call you pretty boy all night." Chuckling he answered " Ryan.." He nodded and said " Damian but everyone calls me Dami but only when not around the market. Once im in there im Sir Beast , k ." Ryan nodded and smiled. He turned on the car and put on pandora and headed out to his appartment.


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