Raj Te: ( Star Fire) Chapter 1
Read Count : 66
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Science Fiction
This story may sound familiar too most of you but it is how I came to be on your world. As the title of this story saids my name is Raj Te and I am Star Fire the soul survive of my once beautiful world of Thun. That was tell my world was attacked by a race of beings known as the creep. They are a Savage race of blood thrusty war like beings that care not for life but the total elemansion of life in the known world's. My once beautiful world was the next to be invaded by them without warning our cause. They just attacked us and destroyed most of my people in a matter of a few minutes, as we ran to find cover. My parents and younger sister was victims of that mindless slaghter. I world have been too if I didn't take cover inside one of the temples in time. The priest inside took me to the enter chamber of the temple where I saw a beautiful mirror in front of the alter, looking at the priest who place a very odd locket around my neck and then pushed me through the mirror. As I awoke I found myself laying on the floor of a building that I have never seen before and hearing sounds that I have never heard before. I could feel my head throbbing with pain as I slowly pushed myself up to my knees then to my feet. I could see light coming from what I could make out to be a window, so I walked over to look out of it and the sight of what I saw made the room spin and that was the last thing I did see.
The unfortunate thing is that I cannot copy your work and send you notes. However, if you take a little time with proofreading and share with someone close to you and show them my note, they should be able to help you. The important thing is to keep writing and when ready to become published, make sure an editor goes through your work
Jan 16, 2018