The Journey Home Chapter 2 Read Count : 149

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
Chance and Hail collapsed, “Ughh” Chance moaned while wiping sweat from his forehead, he whispered to Hail, “Why do we have to exercise if they’re going to kill us off anyway?” Hail nodded. They climbed up off the benches to see Loffor and Ronnie standing there. They looked funny in comparison to each other one so tall and the other so short, you’d think Ronnie was a disfigured soccer ball. Hail chuckled loudly at the thought, “You better keep running laps you four or else no dinner tonight!” Ms. Underwood practically screamed across the room. 

The four started jogging again, Ronnie thought he might as well slap chance for being such a wimp even for a middle schooler. He thought twice and decided against it, he really wanted dinner tonight, it was a bologna and pickle sandwich, mmm he thought. “You know Chance, the more you do this the more prepared you are for the E-M-T-S-E ( Escape Mission To Strom’s Eye) “True, I actually think that if were going to do so, we should do so in our cabins knowing we have a conjoined one together. Loffor could train us,” Chance said out of breath “Will you?” “I’ve got nothing better to do” Loffor stated.

It was true, about the cabins, they had the only conjoined one. Hail and Loffor stayed in one side, the boys stayed in the other side, only conjoined by the kitchen. They made their own food in the morning and for lunch, for dinner they usually had assemblies so they would go to cafeteria where they would say whatever they wanted say. 

P.E. finally ended, after an hour, so the 4 headed straight for math, “I’m glad they have P.E. right in the morning it wakes the brain up!” Loffor exclaimed. “I still don’t get it, if everybody knows that were gonna die on a field trip why don’t they just throw us overboard while we’re babies so the money can go to businesses and people's paychecks, so my thinking is that people like Ms. Underwood really like to see kids like us suffer, and cry before we all get pushed one by one.” Chance stated glumly “Way to ruin the mood Chance” Ronnie said “Well guys if you think he is right.” Hail said, Chance smiled at her, almost as if saying thanks for backing me up, but there was something else too. “Also, we need to train as hard as we can ok? So if somehow we don’t have an assembly tonight, Loffor and Ronnie, will you make dinner? It must be nutritious,” “Will do Hail, Ronnie will also,” Loffor said “ Waaah? I never-” Chance elbowed him in the stomach, glaring at him. “Will do Hail,” Ronnie mumbled “What will we do Hail? Chance asked “ we will plan an escape route, and after dinner we will exercise ‘till nine then sleep.” Hail answered “One long night it is going to be” Ronnie said.   


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