My New Power. Chapter 10 Read Count : 180

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Adventure

When we headed back to the laboratory we meet Lizzie waiting for us. Jack I"m gonna take you to the training yard where you will meet your trainer Bryon hes one our top runemasters who will tell you what rune you have and help you use your power. "From my suprise Lizzie actually looked a little afraid of me, I dont know why though I never thought in a million years even knowing Lizzie for only about 2 days would she be scared of me". Sure, where exactly is the training yard. Oh, yeah, Just head inside go all the way to the end of the hall take a right and youll see two doors leading outside into a feild. Got it, In a way yes. I'll see you later David, K bye dude, bye.
I headed to the double doors Lizzie was talking about and went outside. When I came out I saw pretty old but fresh teen. Hey you must be jack, I'v heard a lot about you. You have, wow I didnt think I was that special,
Trust me Jack you are more special than you think you are. 
How so? Jack the others didnt want to tell you much about your power so early because. "He leaned in a little closer and whispered" they are a bunch of scaredy cats. Why would they be scared? I said in confusion not knowing exactly what was happening. 
Jack your a code red, w what does that mean? You have the rarest rune of all, the fire power. What! I thought that was the most dangerous power ever. It is jack, it consumed the last person who had it. But that was because he felt like an outcast and he didnt feel like he belonged with us because he was so dangerous. But we can change that, we wont let that happen to you to, we are going to train you to be better.
Fine, I'll do it, if it will help me fine. 
Yes! Lets get to training shall we.

My New Power Chapter 11 coming soon 
I hope you all enjoyed this episode and Rate, Share, and Comment it would me the world to me if you did and you did enjoy it so I hope you all have a great day and see you all next time


  • May 14, 2017

  • May 20, 2017

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