Flirt Affair (1) Read Count : 75

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
I will ruin the lives of all men..._", Smriti said to herself.

Actually, her boyfriend(Ravi) had just broken up with her, and this made her sad but furious... Ravi had called her over the phone a minute before, and said that he was seeing someone else, and urged not to continue his relationship with Smriti...

"Are all men like this?", Smriti questioned herself...
Even she didn't knew the answer to her question because she was only thirteen and had much more to discover... 

Smriti silently lied on her bed, creeping slowly under her blanket, sobbing, and weeping bitterly... She thought of taking revenge, but could not understand how she could take it...

"Should I kill Ravi?", her mind questioned.
She realised that killing him would be of no use, as she would risk her precious life by doing that...
" Then should I let it go?", she asked herself once again... "But letting him go would be foolish...", her mind replied...

Finally, after thinking for almost some ten minutes or so, she decided that letting it go would be the best. But, she thought of another plan to ruin the life of all her future boyfriends. Only she knew it herself...

[To be continued... If you like this part, rate it five stars, and stay tuned for my further updates...]


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