What Is Church About?
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Category : Blogs
Sub Category : LifeStyle
Society has a lot of different opinions about what church is for, whether it should be here at all, and those who go there. But, for a Christian, there is one main reason, along with added benefits of going to church. One of the benefits is fellowship. It is a time to show God's love to each other, to listen and care about what is going on in each life. Maybe even pray with someone about a need. Think of church in this way for a change:If you enjoy watching sports on television, you may enjoy it more when others are with you. Perhaps, you might enjoy the sport more yet if you went to a game with friends. Think of it as a worldly form of church fellowship. God created us to want fellowship and spend time together. But hurts and other things can destroy that yearning for companionship. But, the foremost reason for church is to worship God for who he is, to put aside what we want and adore him and glorify and praise him. Since God created us, he desires a close relationship. He doesn't want to just observe what our life is about, but to be right there spending time together. You can see this in the book of Genesis when God walked in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve, before sin came into this world and corrupted that intimate relationship. That is why Jesus had to come to earth to die on the cross, to restore that relationship. But it takes our choice whether we want to be close to God. Another example is the ministry of Jesus. He loved spending time with people. He was a popular guest for parties and banquets. He genuinely cared about those around him, and did something to help, not just say the words. The attitude of our hearts determines how we will view God. Is he just a vending machine to get what we want? Or do we honor God as our Creator, and let him guide us through life? Anyone can go into a church and sit in a pew, but if you don't let God change you, you will not grow spiritually, but be in a rut the rest of your life. One person put it like this, "A rut is a grave with the ends kicked out?" If the attitudes of your heart are not right, what will you get out of being at church? Will you enjoy the benefits of being close to God, and being in loving fellowship with others? Your choices will determine what answers you get.