Saving Her.
Read Count : 143
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
"Help me. Please. Its my daughter. She's been in an accident. Someone. Anyone. Send help. Please." I heard my mom scream from above me. It was quiet. All I could hear were the sounds of her screams and sirens. The high pitched wail of the sirens kept getting closer and closer. "Please. Laine. Listen they're on the way. Keep your eyes open. Listen to my voice." I tried. I really did. My head throbbed and blood oozed from my skull and down my face. It hurt. More than anything I had ever felt before. I couldnt think. What happend? Where was he? "Adam?" I managed to say, using just about every once of strength I had left. "Oh,Laine. We will find him. Save your strength." I could see the ambulance in the distance. "Adam?" My body was failing me. I felt my eyes start to flutter, until finally the pain took over and I passed out. The world went dark. And finally silience. I dont know how long I was out. I remembered close to nothing. My head still hurt, but the blood had stopped. Adam? Where was he? Mom? I remembered her screams and how frantic she was. How she just kept telling me to hold on. To stay awake. Adam? What about Adam? He was there. Right? My hospital room was a off shade of blue. When I opened my eyes I remember seeing flowers. Lots of flowers. Some red. Some yellow. But in the corner of my eye, the white ones stood out. The beautifully kept white roses. Tucked away in the corner of my room. Adam? He should of been here. "Laine, oh my sweet Laine." Mom came rushing into my room, book in hand. She wore black. Not my favorite color but one of hers. She was a wreck. Her eyes were rimmed with red. Her hair was thrown up into a bun. I remember seeing her face, light up with hope. "Doctor, can someone send a doctor. Shes awake. I told you. Shes awake." She screamed out into the hallway. Of course I was awake. What did she think I was on my death bed. "Oh, my sweet Laine. Your gonna be fine." Of course I would be fine. It was a few bumps, some brusing. I would be alright. Right? I tried to calm her down but when I went to use my words nothing came out. It was like I was thinking them but unable to say them aloud. "Mom. Mom can you hear me?" I yelled. My body not able to move with my mind. I was living a nightmare. "Mom. You have to hear me. Wheres Adam mom?" But nothing. Once again, silience. When the doctor came in I tried again. Hoping that maybe I wasnt crazy. "Its just as before Mrs.Grace. Im sorry but we have to wait. When she is ready to wake up she will. On her own time." My mother looked from the doctor to me. "We know this is very hard for you as well as your family. But this is her fight." I wanted to scream. Right then and there, I wanted to scream from the tallest tower that I was awake. That I could hear everything they were saying. "Its been a year, doctor. Are you sure there is nothing more we can do? My mothers words rang in my ear like a freight train. A year. I had been likw this a whole year. I closed my eyes. Unable to gold them open any longer. Three hundred and sixty five days. Thats how long I had been like this. And Adam? Where was he? My heart sank. What was going on? Was I dreaming. I had to be right. I could see everything, I could feel everything but I couldn't move. I couldnt speak. I was broken. "Oh Laine, just come back to us." I heard my mothers plea but I was powerless. My hands wouldnt move. My legs felt rock solid. With a final look from my mother she left. I was alone. I was alone and powerless. I had never felt this kind of agony. My thoughts drifted to Adam. Was he okay? What happend that night? Where did it all go wrong? The funny thing about your brain working but not your body. You have all the time in the world. And your alone with your thoughts. "Good evening, Ms. Grace. Vitals are good. Chart good." I heard the voice but of course couldnt respond. "Im doctor Blake." Finally he stood in eye sight. He was a tall man in his early thirties. His hair was short, dark brown and combed back. Of course he wore a white coat like every other doctor. His eyes were a emerald green color.
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