Maronette. Your Place
Read Count : 126
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Romance
After hours of talking ej comes downstairs "Ej! Your OK" you scream you was glad he wasn't harmed You had met him a few years back and you let him go you became good friends "Oh but you wasn't happy when you saw me " jeff rants " who would be excited to see a slit mothe smiling creep like you" you wisper "That's it !" He jumps up and swings his fist at you "Try me fucker " you put your kife to his throat Ej and everyone else gits you to put it down and you go outside to thank Switching to Ben .... "Damn she's a bich " Jeff seas "Its kinda hot !" You reply "Shut it Ben !!! " ej seas After hour's and she hasn't came back the girls go out to git her as it was now snowing and shorts a tee-shirt leggings and high heal boots aren't going to last You hear sally scram "EJ !!!" She came running in and huged slinder "Sally whuts wrong!" You ask Sally ponts to the window "Shit " ej scrams and runs outside Switching to eyeless jack You run outside and pick marionette up out of the already fallen snow She was freezing her lips had frost bight and her black hare was covered in snow Hour's pass and marionette was awake Switching to marionette You sit by the fire you was in the living room with bin and silver . The others whent to git food and drinks You see bin staring at you from the corner of your eye "Say marionette ?" He ask "You look at him " yea ?" Why was you forgotten? " "Kiki my sister was over powerd and I was week " "No she wasn't I've played your game before " you was a way better choice " he sead "Why do you say tha-" before you can finish he sead "Hold out your hand " You do and it caches fire it doesn't heart tho it fly's everywhere so you close you hand but your fist caches fire " calm down bin seas " you breath "Thank about whut you want it to do and it will " You thank for it to make a globe but it suronded you "Hu?!????" You scream "Calm down" you hear silver somewhat says so you let it do it You began to glow