Junkrat X Roadhog Read Count : 250

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Romance
It was a warm and sunny day of the Australian Outback. There was a cool breeze so it wasn't as harsh as it usually was. Junkrat and Roadhog had traveled to a scrapyard not far from they're abode, to find anything of value.

Australia was a beautiful place, before the Omnic Crisis happened. The machines thought they were able to claim the land as they're own. In the end, after the tough struggle, the war was won by the Aussies. But a radiated nuclear bomb had turned and destroyed the land into a barren wasteland. Whoever survived it, ended up turning a little a nuts in the head.

Anyone wanting to survive and live together, had taken the ruined scraps of the omnium and built Junkertown. Which was ruled by an individual, the Queen. She created her own system of how things would work.

After a while, the Junker duo had been kicked out of there. Why? They betrayed the Queen one too many times. Plus they are both heavily wanted criminals, so they ended up making they're own place and lived by themselves which was completely fine. 

The two junkers were looking for more things that maybe worth something. They got enough gold and treasures to make anyone happy, but knowing them, its still not enough.

"Oi Roadie, does this look good enough?" Junkrat was holding a slight tattered and scratched painting. Roadhog tilted his head looking at him.

"Yea, good point. Not good enough. Hmm...wot about this?" He now lifted a few pure silver vases, a little dirty but cleanable. Roadhog nodded and put them in a bag.

The two aussies had continued searching for awhile longer before leaving. The sun was begininng to set behind them as they drove home in Roadhogs motorcycle. Junkrat was leaning back, thinking.

"Oi Junkrat, what we gonna do?" Roadhog asked in a gruff voice, muffled from his mask. It was rare to hear his voice, Junkrat blushed, slightly surprised. He felt a slight pang in his stomach, it wasnt a bad feeling but a weird nice feel.

"Ah, I-I dont know mate. We'll see and think of somethin' once we get back." Roadhog nodded and continued driving. Junkrat touched his face, his cheeks slightly warm. He never felt like this before, why was he feeling this so suddenly?

It had been about 30 minutes until they arrived back to they're place, the sun set completely, covering the sky with stars. They're home looked like a garage on the outside, but looks pretty nice on the inside. 

They have a couch, they're treasure pile sat all together by they're shared huge bed, a pachimari machine in a corner and many things like Junkrats bombs, mines and other ammo laying around. So if they get attacked randomly, they have something to defend themselves.

Junkrat walked inside carrying the bag full of stuff they found while Roadhog brung in his motorcycle.
They fixed the things they collected and sat on the couch near the stairs.

Junkrat stretched and sighed.
"Hmm, think we should find some supplies tomorrow? For like, somemore ammo, stock up a little. Think so mate?"

Roadhog leaned his head back, thinking more like. After waiting for a response Roadhog gave a grunt, he agreed to Junkrat's idea.

"Alroity, sounds like a plan." Junkrat said. They both stood up, about to get ready for the nights sleep, before they heard a bang outside.

Roadhog looked at Junkrat, he took out his gun and hook, slowly walking to the back door. Junkrat followed stealthly behind. What was that sound...?

Not much people come this way so the two junkers were careful what they were doing.

Roadhog placed a hand on his shoulder and spoke. "Oi, go to the balcony and get a look from above. Scan the area." Junkrat blushed once again, that feeling returning. He nodded and went to go do what he was told as Roadhog stepped outside.

Junkrat quietly opened the door and shifted quietly. Hm, there was nothing as far as he could see. Well it was a bit dark so that was a slight disadvantage. But he carefuly looked around.

After a few moments he saw a slight glint of something shiny in his peripheral vision. Huh, wonder what that was... He crawled and went back inside as quiet as he could.

"Gotta tell Roadie what that was." He said to himself. 

Then suddenly he heard a yell and gunshots outside. Junkrat went wide eyed as he grabbed some bombs and a land mine, running as much as he can towards the door.

He threw open the door and ran to the back of the building. He dead stopped as he saw Roadhog hook and punched someone unknown, knocking them unconscious.

Junkrat sighed relief as he walked towards Roadhog. But was then immediatly pushed to the ground. He grunted and felt someone holding him down.

He panicked as he felt something sharp against his neck. "ROADIE!!" He shouted. The masked junker turned and saw Junkrat pinned to ground by another unknown being. Roadhog started to run towards him.

The being threw the sharp object at Roadhog as he stood up and ran off, not knowing what the stranger took. But it didn't matter. Roadhog grunted and kneeled on the ground.

Junkrat quickly got up and ran to Roadhog. He inspected the other Aussie, noticing there was a long cut. The wound starting to bleed.

"Damn it. That dipstick got ya mate. Come on, let's go inside." He helped Roadhog back in the house, leaving the other unconscious being on the ground.

Once inside, Roadhog sat on the bed, holding his inured arm. Junkrat went to his corner and started rummaging around. He eventually found some ointment and bandages.

Junkrat walked back over to the man on the bed. Roadhog breathed calmly, it stung with pain a bit but it was bearable.

The peg legged aussie sat beside him, taking some ointment and started dabbing the wound. Roadhog flinched slightly, the stinging intensified for a few moments. Soon after, Junkrat wrapped his arm in bandages, finishing the treatment.

He sighed with relief, knowing it could have been worse. He looked up at Roadhog.
"Oi, don't try and take anyone on by 'erslef m8. Were supposed ta work togetha. Now look at ya, your hurt." 

Roadhog nodded. "I'm sorry Jamison, but I would do anything to protect you. Besides, I would not forgive myself if anything happened to ya." Roadhog spoke then suddenly pulled in the flamehaired being, hugging him. Junkrat started blushing, that feeling was in the pit of his stomach.

"What are ya sayin'...?" Junkrat asked. Roadhog lifted his mask slightly then kissed Junkrat. He started blushing even more than before. 

After a few seconds, Junkrat kissed him back.
It lasted a few minutes before they pulled away for some air. They're cheeks were painted pink.

"I've loved you for some time Junkrat. Thats why I put myself in danger for your safety. I can't imagine if I would lose you." Roadhog said. Junkrat's eyes started to tear up a little.

"Aw mate, I love you too. Just promise ya wont  go and do anything crazy again, ya drongo." Junkrat hugged Roadhog, the weird feeling disappeared, replacing it with happiness.

"Ok boss." Roadhog kissed Junkrat once more, he loved him to bits.

☆ E n D ☆



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