Diaries Read Count : 106

Category : Books-Non-Fiction

Sub Category : Travel
hi I am  sarah I am  18 I have brown hair and brown eyes is dating a guy named jake.

tuesday August 1 2017

jake asked me to get a job with him today I got the job with him I didn't like it but I did to spend time with him he flirted with a girl but it didn't bother me. 6 more days then I am 18 can't wait.

Sunday August 6 2017 guys it's my birthday i am 18 omg Jake's coming over so is Nick Noah Hailey Kenken no, Danny Kyle and low tell how it went.

2 hours later

guys after my party my parents left so it was just me and jake he hit me and then left I am crying i  will see you guys soon.bye.

mom: get up it's the first day of school.

i get up do my hair and makeup get dresses  and eat I got to my car and drive to school I walk in and see my best friend Taylor.

Taylor: yo Sarah.

i ran up and hug him.

jake: Sarah we have to go to are lockers

i go to my locker and see jake with a girl flirting i walk away and go to class then jake comes over and stops  me

jake: what's wrong.

me: if you want her then tell me.

jake: I love you.

me:  you talk and flirt with other girls every day I am not  doing this.

i was walking out he  grabbed my arm and dig his nails in my arm he pulled me to him and slapped me I looked at him.
i  walked to class with tears in my eyes I sit in the back off the class. 
mrs.Jackson: miss Johnson  would you like to come up here and tell us what is so important that you  have to be on your phone.
Me: No thanks i am good Mrs.j thank you tho

I smile at her 
then the bell rings  so at ate school we have a dance at the end of the first week of school so it's in 4 days   I went to my locker and jake came up to me and asked me to the  dance. I said yes
4 days later

I got a purple dress with silver beads and long to my feet it was beautiful  I had long acrylic nails they were plum color like my dress got my hair and  makeup done  and got ready  when jake go there we got photos together his brother and two friends were going to  we got in the car and his brother and friend got there date the other guy didn't  have one we got to the school and sat for a bit we started dancing  I got something to eat and went back he was  with another girl she was all over him I walked over a grabbed his shirt we when outside 

Me: why are you paying that girl all over you?  jake we are dating.

jake: listen bi**h I do what I want to back in there and don’t say anything he hit me and walk away I walked back in and was dancing with my friends and jake   dyer the dance we went  back to his house  we were in his room I changed in sweatpants and a sweatshirt  i layed on his bed  with lights of. his brother was on his bed we laid there he put his arm around my waist and

kissed my neck i turned around we were face to face his brother and his brothers girlfriend left  jake got on top of me I pushed him off  he slapped me got back on me I push him off and he punched me in the face I got up and called my best guy friend nick he saw me bleeding I sat there with my head down.

nick: why are you with him you don't deserve this we have been best friends seen we  were  babys. 

me: I love him Nick I am happy please just let it go.

nick: ok let's take you home are you parents there.

me: no they are at my uncle's.

Nick: ok 

Nick drops me off

I got to my house when to my room got my razor and cut 5 times.

I got my diary out 

September 1 2017

Hey guys this first week of school as been ok but jake has been hitting my this week he hit my 10 times its ok tho i love him i started something new cutting it helps with the pain love you guys. With that i closed my book and went to bed.



    Jan 14, 2018

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