Done Dusted Failed
Read Count : 194
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Drama
As far has hi lights goes in my life there wasn't many, I think there was four maybe and that was my Wedding Day the births of my kids. That's has exciting and interesting as my life gets. So listening and listening to the way Ryder turns the tables and watching with misting eyes how my folks turns against me and sides with him. All because the wan tto "save "face in society. They agreed with him on each count and even went one futher by telling me " If you divorce Ryder you can move out of the house, we will continue to look after him and the kids" I was shocked enraged fuck I was so much of emotion I couldn't bring myself to say a single word in my defence. I just sat there watching the people who should have had my back belittle and slander me accused me of the most heinous crime and stil have the audacity to tel me ... me of all people to fuck off. Defeated I slumped into my chair thinking of how and when I wil be free of this oppression this strangulation situation then and there I sent a little prayer and asking his holiness to help me.... to deliver me from injustice and give the strength I need to become stronger... two days later and at the age of twenty nine I was admitted into hospital with the diagnosis of T.i.A syndrome or some fancy word .... as well as tiny visages of aniexty attacks... due to a ... and what the doctors called a bleeding heart .... I didn't even know there was such a thing.... nevertheless I stay 2 months in hospital recovering. Physiotherapy, Psychiatrist, Psychologists... nurses prodding and probing been told to keep pushing never give up ..... slowly but surely I got there I came around started with small steps and ended Hugh. Even gave the fuckers r a last chance .... to which he was greatful and before you get your hopes up Nope it only lasted five months to say the least but thin time round I was prepared... I wasn't not going to sit and mope around the house .... fuck that shit I was going to become on of those women I've accuses of being.... so why the fuck not.... what's the worst that could happen boy was I wrong I started taking my life life back one month at a time and why so slow because we never have money.... he controls even that he'll if he could control my periods he would I so asking what his plans was and started making my own plans nothing major just having me time once a month for five or six hours to myself no... no going out take the kids.... no I did exactly what you've been doing for so long ....fucking around and not giving a rats ass what's going to happen to my wife an kids.... no so I can do the same only difference was I was smart the kids