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Category : Stories

Sub Category : Childrens
The sound of the birds chirping in my ear awoke me. Every day I asked my mother a qestion out of my own personal curiosity. Today, a thought was the thing that woke me up, along with the bird's chirping.
"Mama, is the world perfect?"
Her face looked solemn. As if the world I knew was the opposite from the world she knew.
"Darling, the world is very Mal." She spoke with her French accent controling every word.
How are you feeling today, mother?"
Her voice brightened.
"Bien, como ci va."
"I am fine."
My mother grew up in France and she had taught me some, but it wasn't necessary, for we now live in California, in the united states.
"Mama, will you show me how we can make the world beter?" I was gong past the limits, I knew that, but it was worth the try.
Her face looked like her mind was thinking, she looked down at me, smiled and spoke to me in a soft comforting voice. "yui."
After school, Mama picked me up. She let me sit in the front seat as a reward, not that I know what I did.
Mama drove me to a strange road, there was a tall building and I saw a sign planted on the door. 'Orphanage'. I looked at Mama.
"sometimes, being good to the world, means being good to the people that take care of it.""
I smiled and got out of the car. Mama rounded to the trunk, I followed. As she opened it, my mouth turned to a automatic smile. There were piles and piles of cupcakes and teddy bears. I grabbed as much as I could hold and brought it in to the orphanage. It took a couple of trips, but it was worth it to see the looks on the orphans faces. 
One of the little girls walked up to me and gave me a hug. Mama and i brought things to the orphans every week for a long time. Whe I got older, I lauhed when my daghter asked me what we should do to make the world a better a better place.
"Papion, when I was your age, I asked the same question.""
All I can hope is that, even when I am gone, thatthis generation's kids, will continue to make a difference. 
When you make a difference, it very good.


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