Mirror Mirror Read Count : 116

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Mirror mirror on the wall
Who is it upon you call?
I know I should answer, 
I know I should speak,
But in your presence,
My body is weak. 
So as I stand looking at me,
As a reflection which speaks,
Not knowing who she may be,
Not hearing the words spoken. 
I walk away from the mirror,
Ignoring the words that whisper.
The voice calls, coming nearer.
Who is this she you call?
Mirror mirror on the wall.


  • Melissa Toney

    Melissa Toney

    thank you.

    Jan 13, 2018

  • Nicely done! 👍👏

    Jan 13, 2018

  • yaaay... really like it 😊

    Jan 13, 2018

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