Demon Lover (Answer)
Read Count : 180
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Romance
There once was a ring in a demon's possession. This ring gives a woman command over the demon so he could grant the wish of who finds the ring requests. Once on your finger you can't ever take it off. If you do so then in return of all your wishes fulfilled, he will devour your soul. Unless you say three truthful words to him. Jazmine is just an ordinary girl who lives with her grandmother. After going into her deceased mother's closet she found a box. What was inside had surprised her. "What is this?" She asks. She picks up a piece of paper as it read "Tell him I love you" didn't make any sense to her, so she put it away. She put the box on her desk and sat on her bed and looked at a ring she collected from the box. It was an odd ring, but overall it looked nice, so she put it on her finger. After a few hours of finishing up her homework and preparing for tomorrow she went to bed. Soon as she was sound asleep the box had opened up. Jazmine turned on her side and thus a demon appeared. His eyes locked on the ring on her finger. He touched her finger and looked at Jazmine. "My dear Mari. You are indeed alive."
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