FIGHTER Read Count : 1346

Category : Books-Non-Fiction

Sub Category : Biography
Yes, that's what he was! A fighter !

My husband Cdr Ravi Malhan left for his heavenly abode  three weeks back.

He was a voracious reader,great writer and an excellent orator.He wanted to become a motivational speaker and an author.

He was a proud commander of Indian Navy and a marathon runner.He loved to travel and made lots of friends all over the world.

He wrote in his journal and Facebook.
I introduced him to writer's outlet to fulfill his dream.But the disease overtook so fast that he didn't get a chance.

I have decided to share few of his writings during his year long battle with cancer in this new book.

A true navy man till the last breath.

His last post on Facebook:-
28th November 2017.

"Dismantling some pedestals of my life.
Covering them in duct proof plastic covers and storing behind books on my shelf.
In the passage of your life it is your responsibility to examine the lighthouse you are using. Is for the safety of your ship. 

Remember the most prominent light  house may not always be most relevant. 
Reexaming light houses
#rexamining pedestals
Its your life.
It's your ship 
You are the CO.
You are the command."

He passed away peacefully in a naval hospital room overlooking his first love- the Arabian Sea.His head was turned towards it when he breathed his last..his unseeing eyes were looking at it.
You wrote this on 4th December 2015.
On Navy day.

"If I am reborn,
I will be proud to serve the Navy again.
For I don't know of an honour greater than that !

Happy Navy Day !"
He fought till the last breath and was called a Fighter lovingly by his doctors.

Nobody knows what was his journey,how brave he was.

To be diagnosed with vocal cords cancer when public speaking is your forte..your calling.
To go on with your life when your voice box was removed after  eight hours operation.
To breathe through larytube in your throat and fed through a peg tube.
Still you kept fighting.You never complained Ravi Malhan.

You loved life.
Life loved you.

You loved your friends Ravi.You posted this on 5th August 2017.

" Unexpressed and Unseen Love 
Hopefully Not Unfelt " 

This is for special friends. You know , who you are ! 

Sometimes my love remains unexpressed nowadays.
It falls through the cracks of rapidly changing light and dark phases of my current health.
Many comments , messages and posts remain incomplete.

But as I claw back my way to rise upwards again , I notice a most beautiful thing.

Deep in the crevice that I fell , the love is already taking roots and finding expression in the form of glistening new born leaves of a most beautiful and healthy plant.

Rather than uproot it and bring it to surface with me to show it to you  , I leave it there !! 

To grow stronger.

Let it remain there. 

It looks so beautiful. 

Not seeking to be seen.

Just full of love .

As is. Where is.

So what you don't see nowadays , remember it is blossoming where you can't see. 

Hope you feel it."
You wrote this for  Ram Singh,a poor simple door to door hawker .
15th June 2017.

"As an expert on Smart Cities , till recently I walked the corridors of power and rubbed shoulders with the brightest politicians , bureaucrats and peers in the industry. 

I was an evangelist to the core for this important national initiative. My dedication to the cause and ability to speak eloquently on the subject earned me a lot of praise. My voice was my gift.

If you have read till here , you must be thinking that vanity has finally caught up with this old man.

Well you don't know me enough then.

Nowadays with my voice box removed , my gift has been lost.

Silence is my closest companion. 

With friends , I communicate by writing on a pad. 

With some very close friends , my soul connects so intimately that I can sit with them for hours in complete silence.

One such man is Ram Singh. 

He comes to my house once a fortnight with traditional Indian snacks that his wife makes at home. 

We spend a long time together even though he cannot read and I cannot speak. 

There is no awkwardness. There is only love and mutual respect in the air. 

There is no doubt that as a professional , I liked the Ravi Malhan that was.

But there is also no doubt that my soul loves what Ravi Malhan has become.

Finally I get to live my favourite poem :

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,   
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch, 
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, 
If all men count with you, but none too much; 
If you can fill the unforgiving minute 
 With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,   
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,   
 And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!"

8thJuly 2013

My life long fascination with words is slowly but surely giving way to the beauty of my wonderful silence. The day I don't need even the written word to describe the joy of my silence, will be the day that I will truly surrender to the beauty of this life.

I am not there yet but I know I am on my way.

= Ravi Malhan

9th July 2017

Yes ! 

I have moved a few more steps in that direction.

I am now truly on my way home.

And when I reach there , some of you will not have the courage to know the new me.

But that is fine with me.

So should it be with you.


" What you meet in another being is the projection of your own level of evolution "
An ace swimmer and a deep sea diver had no regrets when he was no longer allowed to enjoy his hobby and passion.

18th May 2014

"My school used to take us to the  National Stadium for swimming. The school team was accompanied by two sports teachers and we were joined by a swimming coach at the stadium. I was the last kid to be picked up on the bus route. One day it was pouring cats and dogs. Only two swimmers came for training. But the teachers and coach were there. 

They were so selfless. Now when I look back , I realise that they salaries were meagre and means very modest. But it never mattered to them. They just did their duty.

So today after more than 40 years later, I swam 80 laps of my pool. I was the only one swimming. 

Why 80 laps ? Because that is the distance I swam that day as part of the training. These small things matter to me. Oh these are the only things that matter to me.

Thanks Mr. Bindra, Mr. Randhawa and Mr. Sen. They don't make men like you anymore. 

Thank you God. Thank you. Thank you."


And then on 18th May 2017  you wrote...

"Good I swam like crazy that day ! 

In hindsight,  the swim that day  now turns out to be the most befitting tribute to my school teachers and coaches.

Alas I cannot do it again.

Because I can never swim again !! 

That is the price one has to pay for tracheostomy.  

It is a big loss to someone like me who was known as water baby.

Am I sad and shattered ? 


Because life is beautiful despite whatever happens. 

The only advice I can give you as a friend is that you must live each moment to its fullest. 

Life is a phenomenal gift.

Don't waste it  !!"

Reading all the unread books on my shelves.
Reliving the unlived life.

I don't accumulate things.
I accumulate life. 

Like I told a very dear friend once that I don't have a one night stand with my books and claim that I finished a book in one night.

My relationship with books is like marriage.
Life long.

I love life.
Life loves me.

Even in the most serious running events ! 

Even when I am running for a qualifying time ! 

If I meet these tall handsome Sardars on the route , doing Bhangra on Dholak beat, you cannot stop me from joining them !! 

My friends have to literally drag me back into the race. 

They shout " Ravi MOVE !! " 

I think they are shouting about my dance, so I move faster but on the same spot !!

I know running is important.

But it is not more important than life !! 

As Rumi once said : 

“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.” 

PC : JVPG Run Organisers

God guides my hand as I write the story of my life. 

And I promise that each page of the next chapter will have abundance of love, courage and kindness.

I am greater than my circumstances and bigger than my situation.

" Cooking Recipes and Life Lessons " 

I know that I am inherently philosophical about life and this nature of mine can at times get too much for my friends. It can be tiring. 

But that is who I am ! 

Please forgive me for always finding love and miracle in everything around me.  

That is how I am ! 

When I eat my food, I think of the farmer who toiled hard to grow it for me. The soil that held the seeds in its bosom and the rain & sunlight that provided the nourishment for these seeds to become fruits.

The people in the chain who enabled the food to reach from the farm to the fork. Our maid who cooked this meal for us while she herself may have been hungry. And then the body that receives the food and converts it into new cells, keeping me alive and helping me grow. 

All this happens without me doing anything ! 

Oh I am such a small part of this beautiful universe where life does not happen to me. It happens for me !! 

So when I read Facebook posts of my friends having made a new dish from ' scratch ' , I cannot help my heart fill with love and a smile appear on my face.

I think of what Carl Sagan said :

“If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.”

Both by surprise and shock , life will change you. 

Life will surprise you !

Angels will suddenly come into your life. 
Till that moment you would  not even know of their existence. 
They will come from nowhere and wrap you in their love. 
Wrap you so tightly that you will forget all your pain and all your illness.  
These angels may never again meet you 
But you will forever be changed by their love.

Life will also shock you !

Friends will disappear when you need them the most.
They who were most eloquent in expressing  their love for you
Will suddenly go silent
You will be left with an aching emptiness in your heart. 
These friends may come back again in your life
But they will never be able to meet you
Because you will forever be a changed man.

Dear God

Every now and then , I look up in gratitude  for your blessings and this beautiful life !

I know you are watching me with love !

You have always held me in the palm of your hand , close to your bosom and carried me through all the challenges that life threw at me ! 

Thank you God.
Thank you.
Thank you.

Ever notice that when you just slow down , just slightly slow down and allow the predictive text feature on your Smart phones some time , words and soon sentences begin to fall in place ! 

You can test yourself against a friend who can type with two fingers at a supersonic speed and I will bet that your story will finish much before his 

 You will be smiling and he will be in a confused mess : full of errors and devoid of sense.

So much like life ! 

Don't rush through it.

The universe has a plan .

 Listen to it. 

Be quiet for sometime.



Then follow the signs and reach with love where you are destined to be ! 

Slow down to the pace of life. 

My diving  instructor  used to say 

" Sir jaldi mat karo, dër hojaye gi " 

Now late in life, I have understood the  profound wisdom in his simple message.

Memories ......
Of tough times faced with courage....

For whatever happens to us is just like passing clouds but life in itself is like the vast , clear and beautiful sky behind these clouds.

These clouds may temporarily block the sunshine.
But hang in and keep faith in the clear blue sky behind the clouds. 

 That is permanent and  not temporary like the clouds.
If you keep this faith , the  sun  will always  shine through eventually. 

When you don't give up on life, 
life does not give up on you ! 

And in this way both you and life together create a miracle that makes even the angels in heaven bow to your spirit and smile in acknowledgement ! 

Mein yun himmat se deta raha zindagi ke har imtihan 
Aakhir ek din to hogi wo bi mujpe 
Meherban  !!

For five consecutive days , I sought her love.

Everyday in the morning, afternoon and at night, I stood looking at her. 

I stood in crowds, I stood alone. I sat on the benches and I hid behind the trees. 

Just waiting for that brief moment when she would grace me with a glance. 

But alas , my love went unnoticed amongst millions craving for her attention. Everybody loves her and travels across the world to just see her.

One night , I even fell on my knees and offered her a red rose. It was a full moon night. She suddenly lit up and was glittering and glowing all over. Before I could take joy,  I heard the loud cheer of hundreds gathered around her for this very moment.

I was not disappointed with my love not getting rewarded. 

As I often say, if it has to be only two way, then it is not love. Then it is just a trade ! 

So today I wore my running shoes and did seven long loops around her !

With each loop, making a promise to love her till the last day of my life.

And at the end of the seventh loop, I looked up and asked her if she loved me.

She demurely lowered her eye lashes and said 

" I do "

Just at that moment, I turned around to see the shimmering river Siene smiling and blessing our love.

Thanks dearest Eiffel.
Thanks dear Siene.

Thanks for the most beautiful 10 K of my life !

After the road side cafes in Paris, parks in Scotland have become my next most favourite place for having an outdoor lunch. 

Today I saw hundreds of people from all walks of life having lunch in this park on the Princess Street in Edinburg.

Young beautiful mothers with their toddlers, smart executives in formal suits, old couples and lovers of all ages.

And all this on a working day !

And you can go around with a hand lens but you will not find a spot of dirt or a piece of litter !

It is no wonder then that Mother Nature chooses to return this love and respect with the most beautiful trees and brightest of flowers in full bloom.

I just sat on this bench wondering why we cannot show the same love and respect to our country !

Back home the lack of civic sense that I witness makes me at times hesitate , to even use the phrase 'my motherland '. It sounds hollow and superficial ! 

Truth be told , we don't love and respect our country to that extent.

A proud father...
23rd October 2017

He was this young when he went abroad for higher education .
Many years ago , I went to NDA at the same age. 
All of 18 years.
I thought I had courage going away from home.
But I was in my country.  My culture. Surrounded by many cadets of same age.

It was nothing as compared to my son's journey.  

To be away from home in foreign countries with different culture and way of living , calls for much more.

Pranav Malhan you did a terrific job !! 
Retaining your Indian values and imbibing the best of all other cultures , you have become a fine and complete man.

Your parents are extremely proud of you.

An appreciative passenger.
17th October 2015

Even before the seat belt sign is off . Even before the service has commenced. She brings this for me because she knows that I am fasting. 

She is not just the best air hostess in business , she is God's own special angel ! A spiritual soul that is having a human experience ! 

Ms Charu Poplani take a bow ! If you ever need anything in life, you just have to whisper ! 

And see what the universe is doing and notice the title of the book I am reading " Life loves you "

Yes Ms Louise Hay , you are absolutely spot on when you say that " It is not about chasing happiness , it is about following your joy "

The love and joy that I find in every moment is healing me !

Thank you God. Thank you. Thank you.

Customer Service is the biggest differentiator  !

I know we need to encourage Indian entrepreneurs and start ups.

But Amazon is way beyond comparison.
Head and shoulders above the rest of the field.

Also I love Jeff Bezos.

So for me it will always be Amazon.

If this rattles anyone's sense of patriotism , please sell you car buy an Ambassador .

#Amazon#Jeff Bezos##Customerservice

On 7th August 2017.
For me on our anniversary. 

On this day.
With this smile.
She came into my life.

And she ensured that the happiness only grew with each passing day.

Till it surrounded us so completely that together we became joy , peace , love and laughter !! 

Thanks Rekha Malhan

27thJuly 2017

" In the fragile impermanence of life , one year is a long time " 

On this day , one year ago I ran into love  !! 

We met again a few days back.

 I was out on my first walk in six months.

 On the same route where I used to run everyday.  

I used to have a strong running form and a good pace. I could easily qualify for Standard Chartered with 15 minutes to spare.

But on this day , each small step was a Herculean effort. It took all my will power to just walk one kilometre.  

 I still had my nose tube and was 15 Kg lighter. My neck and face were dark and charred with the side effects of surgery and treatment. 

Yes ! 

In the fragile impermanence of life , one year is really a long time.

Not even my closest friends would have recognised me in this condition. 

But she immediately did !! 

She stopped me and stood close. 

In a fleeting moment , I saw in her eyes the complete range of human emotions ! 

From deep understanding to sadness and sorrow.
 From pain to hope.
 From sympathy to support. 
From compassion to unconditional love.

Her eyes really are the windows to her soul.

She is not my friend on Facebook.

But she can read my face like a book. 

When we parted , she held my hand for just a moment longer and said

 " Everything is going to be fine. Soon you will be running again " 

So many lessons of life were relearned in that  brief meeting : 

a)  I am not the body , I am not even this mind. 

b) The trouble is that we think we have all the time.

c) We all have two lives. The second one begins when we realise we have only one.

d) Your only obligation in any life time is to be true to yourself. 

e) You are a master of what you've lived, artisan of what you're living , amateur at what's next to live.

Kuch Roz Aye Zindagi
Tuje Gale Lagakar 
Tujse Teri Hi Shikayat 
Karne Ko Dil Karta Hai !!

But I am a die hard romantic. 

 Die hard has been proved beyond doubt  and romantic is obvious to anyone who knows me !!

So I promise to life and  this friend of mine that everything is going to be fine and I will soon be running again !!

I love life.
Life loves me.

Two years ago....

" Running Into Love " 

I see her on my runs.

She is always out at that time. 

She has washboard abs, long beautiful legs and two very handsome dogs.

She is always wearing these extremely tiny blue denim shorts. 

Trust me that I don't check her out. 

She is just so beautiful that it is impossible not to notice. 

Everyday we exchange smiles. 
There is no time for anything else. 

At that point I am  close to the end of my run, there is a downslope and I am at my best pace. 

One look at her and I am at the horn of a dilemma : run fast to impress her or slow down to look at her for just a little longer. 

But you all know me well and can predict the next part of the story.

Today I stopped next to her. 

She was not alarmed. 
She stood tall in that slight drizzle.
Her dogs also became absolutely still with no strain on their leash.

It was as if the universe always knew that this moment was to happen today.

I : " Good morning. You know there is something about you that makes me hope and wish that I will get to see you everyday like this " 

She : " Must be my legs " 

I burst out loudly , holding my stomach which hurt because of the laughter that was refusing to stop.

I love women with washboard abs, long legs and dogs. 

And if such a woman has a sense of humour also, I am gone. Totally gone. Hook,  line and sinker ! 

You don't even have to reel me in. 

I will swim to the boat belly up ! 

And  because this is a page about running, let me not forget to tell you that I ran a very smart and sexy 5 K today ! 

I love life.
Life loves me.

#Life #Love #Running.

15th June 2017

I can hardly be considered an ayatollah on the subject but nobody impresses me more than this guy when it comes to future technologies.

From Tesla to driverless cars to digging tunnels under LA to Gigafactory to SpaceX to interplanetary flights to inhabiting a million people on Mars !! 

And all this in the life time of most of you reading this.

What can I say except that he is genuinely insane !! 

And I genuinely insanely love him.

18th April 2016

Friendship Does This To Me !

The race had just started.
He comes from behind and says " Ravi may I please have the honour and privilege of running with you ? "

It took me some time to fathom this. 

It was like a supersonic fighter aircraft asking a helicopter permission to fly in formation !

So I told him "But why would you like to run so slow ? "

He says " Doesn't matter. I want to run with you. Please allow me " 

I still try to dissuade him "But I do the Jeff Galloway " 
He remains determined and adamant.

I feel his sincerity and finally agree with him.

Next 6.5 K , I am soaked more in love than sweat !

He keeps saying such extraordinary things about me and how my qualities touch him in many ways. 

He doesn't need to do this. 
I can't do anything for him in return.

Deep within me , I am aware that I am extremely ordinary and I don't deserve the praise and admiration of this noble soul. 

But he continues like this throughout the run. Running comes very naturally to him. He keeps talking with a genuine smile and an effortless stride.

Fortunately I have my shades on. 

He cannot see the moist eyes full of both gratitude and guilt. Gratitude for his friendship and guilt for being nowhere close to what he thinks of me.

In the end , my physical self ran the fastest race of my life and my spiritual self lifted upwards with a pledge :

" Dear Rodman , I promise to everyday try and become the fine human being you think I am " 

Oh God ! Look what friendship does to us !! 

Thank you Rodman.
Thank you friend.
Thank you friendship.

Then on 19th April 2017

I don't do FB nowadays but this is one memory I wanted to share. 

For it has the most important lesson of my life ! 
And I want all of you to learn from it.

Friendship and love are the two most important things in life .

Rather the two only important things.

In the end nothing else matters !

2nd February 2017.
When it all started. 

"This is the closest I got to the edge ! 

I was rushed to the hospital on Monday morning with severe exasperation and rapid loss of breath.

In my battle against the Emperor of Maladies, I have never got this close to the edge ! 

God held me in the palm of his hand and brought me back.

I am admitted in the ICU and out of immediate danger.

It is a naval hospital with restricted entry for visitors and there is no network .

But I hear your prayers and feel your love !! 

I love life.
Life loves me.

I say yes to life.
Life says yes to me.

With Rekha Malhan"

19th Jan 2017

And life is a purpose unto itself, it need not have another purpose. It is a big enough phenomenon. Its magnitude is too large for it to be focused on something else. It is a purpose and an end unto itself "

18th Jan 2016

Somebody captured this at the finish line of SCMM 2016 ! 

I was physically very strong but emotionally awash with tears of joy and an overflowing sea of gratitude !

The words of Sadhguru Ji, can do best justice to the photograph and feelings at that time : 

" Right now, for most people, life means their job, the new house they’re building, the car they bought, their family and so many other things. That’s not life. It is not even your body, mind, thought or emotion. Life means what’s throbbing within you. It is only because “this” is ON that everything else seems to be meaningful. If “this” stops, nothing around you will mean a damn thing to you or anyone.

And life is a purpose unto itself, it need not have another purpose. It is a big enough phenomenon. Its magnitude is too large for it to be focused on something else. It is a purpose and an end unto itself "

" In conversation with God " 

My name Ravi means the Sun.
And as a Navy officer, I spent twenty years at sea. 
You will therefore understand my love for the sea and my love for the sun !

Once God asked me " Son what do you want to become in life ? " 

I replied without hesitation " I want to be like the sun and I want to be like the sea " 

He asked me to explain in detail.

I replied with what Hafiz once said :

" Even after all this time
The sun never says to the earth
" You owe me "
What happens 
With a love like that
It lights the 
Sky !! " 

God was testing me , so He asked me :

" Ravi with the immense power of Sun, there is a danger that you will become vain and it will make you forget many small but beautiful things. 
How will you handle that ? 

I replied with the humility of Galileo :

" The sun with all those 
planets revolving around it
And dependent upon it,
can still ripen a bunch
of grapes as if it had
nothing else in
the universe to do " 

God smiled and said " You have been reading a lot "

I said " I want to live like that " 

Then I asked God 

" God people find it difficult to believe that so much of love can be sincere and some of them shut me out. How do I handle that ? " 

God caressed my hair most lovingly and replied :

" Not everyone gets up at sunrise. Some don't even draw their curtains. Some shut their eyes close. Some turn the other way , angry with the bright sun rays. 
But the sun still rises everyday and his love is universal and all inclusive. He loves the smallest worm as much as the highest King ! " 

I again asked Him " Some like my love to be only for them. They get upset when they notice that I love everyone equally as if that is the only thing I know. They want me to reserve my love only for them, otherwise they don't feel special " 

God said " If the Sun was to love only the sunflower because of its beauty and because  it is the only flower that turns towards him, life would come to an end ! " 

I learned my lesson.

Then God asked me why I wanted to be like the sea.

I said "  Because there's nothing more beautiful than the way the sea refuses to stop kissing the shoreline no matter how many times it's sent away " 

God then kissed my forehead and granted both my wishes !!

You loved benches....

" It has a most special place in my heart ' 

Life can throw as many curve balls at me as she wants.
I just need to sit for sometime on it.
And everything becomes absolutely fine.

Life can become awfully busy with all her hustle and bustle.
I just need to sit for sometime on it.
And everything becomes absolutely still and silent. 

Life can do her best to entice me with all that glitters in her material world.
I just need to sit for sometime on it.
And everything becomes whole, complete and beautiful just as it is.

Life can play her tricks and make me doubt my understanding of her.
I just need to sit for sometime on it.
And infinite clarity surrounds me immediately.

A bench in a city , park, jungle, next to a stream , actually a bench anywhere has a special place in my heart.

If as my friend you ever want to gift me something.
Just sit with me on a bench.

Respect for women...

My admiration and love for women continues unabated ! 

One reason is that my wife is right on top of the list of women described in this memory.

Go girls go !! 

You don't only complete our world . 

You take it to a level that would otherwise never be possible and makes our whole life so worthwhile !!

The day started with a post on love and ends also with thoughts on love ! 

Are you wondering if I am in love ?

Well I have been in love all my life.
I have always been love. 
I am love on legs ! 
And life loves me back with even greater intensity ! 

Read this : 
" It is alright to sometimes hold back a bit even when you love unconditionally. Because sometimes the other is not prepared to receive as much as you are willing to give!

It would be wonderful to give as unconditionally as you love. But sometimes it doesn't matter if the love in your heart is 'given' or not. Whether in your own heart or then the others, the point is that this love exists! 

And that is enough. "


Both in the highs and lows of the year gone by
I remained grateful to God
I remained in love with life
Deeply, Fiercely & Passionately !
Because for me
Each breath is a gift
My whole life is a miracle !!


Loving husband....

" The Prettiest Lady That Evening " 

Last evening, on the occasion of Navy Day, we attended the famous and arguably the grandest of all naval ceremonies : The Beating of The Retreat ! 

Every year this ceremony brings back a lot of memories and has a special place in my heart. 

Yesterday was even more special ! 

My course mate Vice Admiral Girish Luthra, AVSM, VSM, ADC, who is a very dear friend was the chief host as Flag Officer Commanding in Chief Western Naval Command.  

The naval band which incidentally is the best band amongst all three services was in top form and won every heart in the audience by its outstanding performance !! 

My ex Squadron ' 22nd Killers ' performed the famous ' Continuity Drill ' which was the highlight of the evening. 

The ship I once commanded INS Nishank was amongst those illuminated at anchorage. 

She looked as beautiful and as majestic as always ! This lady was the fastest, the swiftest and the boldest amongst all ships of her class ! 

And people used to say that this had something to do with her Commanding Officer ! 

So many young and senior officers came to meet us. Recalling the times we had served together with glory and honour. 

And finally let me share another reason which made me immensely proud.

Every year , this evening witnesses gallant officers in their pristine ceremonial uniforms ,  accompanied by their beautiful wives in most elegant saris. 

It is a sight to behold ! 

And in this glittering creme de la crème, you know who was the most elegant and prettiest of all ? 

My wife ! 

Oh Rekha Malhan, I am so so very proud of you !!

" Your Love Made My Birthday Most Beautiful " 

Because I have friends like you : 

I have never denied my need for love.
I have never hidden my vulnerability.
I have never covered my cracks. 
I have never disguised my pain. 

I have always loved with great intensity. 
I know my vulnerability is my strength to connect to this beautiful life. 
I recognise that the light of my soul shines through my cracks.
I realise my pain came to teach me a lesson and left me more beautiful.

Thanks for all your posts, calls, comments, videos, voice messages and thoughts. 

You filled me with love, faith and hope !

I can never love you enough for this 

14th January 2018 
Missed you this loved festivals...
Last year this time the disease had already crept was showing on had lost weight and you were feeling kept sitting throughout the Lohri bonfire wanted to but could not eat your favourite revdis and gajaks.

18th January 2017

"The day after the first festival of the year : Lohri.

Mother Earth will reward the hard working farmers with bountiful harvest.
Universe will align as sun crosses the winter solstice and light will shine for longer hours each day. 
All worries and challenges of the year gone have been burnt in the holy fire. 

There is new hope.
There will be new beginnings. 

And just as I open my book to read , the first lines that I stumble upon are :

" All doors now open for happy surprises, and the Divine Plan of my life is speeded up under grace "

God is always talking to me in so many ways !"


13th November 2015

5 K as per the tapering plan.
An absolutely normal run. 
Normal pace. 
Normal cadence. 
Normal HR. 

And in that itself it is a miracle ! 
Every day is a gift.
Every breath is a blessing.
I never take it as my birthright. 
I never take it for granted. 

At this very moment, there are millions fighting for life. 
Praying for their next breath.
Praying for things to be normal.

So be grateful that you are able to get up and have a 'normal' run.
Thank you God. Thank you. Thank you.

11th November 2016
For Jyoti Nair

" Love And Kindness In Friendship "

There are some friends who will go into the forest to find you and bring you home !

They exactly know when you need help.

They will come without you asking them.

And with just a gentle touch , they will heal your wounds and return your smile.

They will lift you out of darkness and sorrow. 

They will rekindle your spirit and bring sunshine back into your life.

I firmly believe that there is a higher force in the universe that makes such a friendship possible.

Mysterious and Magical !  

This force is beyond my understanding. But I am repeatedly touched by it. 

I experience it in all its glory.

Such friends are my greatest blessing. 

Jyoti Nair you are one such friend ! 

I love life.
Life loves me.

Thank you God.
Thank you friendship.


Tangled indeed is the web of this world ! 
Intricately beautiful is the pattern of life's rich tapestry ! 

It's all begins in your mind. 
You get to make your own reality ! 

Weave the right story .

                            = Ravi Malhan

25th September 2016
For Sayuri Dalvi

" What The Monk Didn't Tell You " 

Such is the nature of FB that we often highlight only the good parts of our life in bold headlines. 

We do this with the honest intention of inspiring our friends. 

We worry that our setbacks will show us as weak and may lower the overall high spirits of the group.

As a result there is always something left unsaid on social media. 

A chapter that we dont read out aloud.

But the monk in me was always proud of not hiding his vulnerability and for always being authentic. 

So allow me to tell you something that I did not tell you.

For nearly 10 days now, I have been suffering from a metatarsal niggle. 

This kept me off running. 

And like it happens to all runners going through an injury , I became paranoid and read everything on the subject.

With endless hours of research under my belt , I am now a super specialist in metatarsal injuries. From causes to symptoms to healing and cure !! 

The monk has been in pain but the monk  was at peace throughout this period.

That is how he is and that is how he will remain. 

Today I want to just acknowledge what Sayuri Dalvi did for me in this period.

What a human being !! 
What a friend !! 

So much of experience. So much of love . So much of compassion. 

She analysed the situation from all angles,  knew exactly what was required and what was the way forward for me. 

And today , just like a super specialist orthopedic Head of Department who makes his patient take the first recovery steps after injury and before sending him home , she made me do the ' Spirit of Wipro ' run.

I finished the run.
 At my training pace. 

I am healed.

My life is once again complete and full of joy.

Stay tuned to my posts and I will share my learnings. 

Allow me to sign off for now with just this quote dedicated to Sayuri : 

" A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words. " 

Thanks my friend.

20th September 2016

Stalked, harassed and then stabbed 30-40 times. 

Most brutally in broad daylight ! 

When onlookers were asked why they did not intervene, they replied :

" He used to beat her so often we didn't think it was anything abnormal and we didn't expect that this time he would stab her " 

Should we all die of shame ?


Let's forget it.

Let us instead tweet and write FB reviews on the movie Pink !

#pinkisourdailyreality #letusdieofshame

17th September 2016
For big B
After watching Pink 

With a towering personality and a rich baritone , he is without doubt the biggest actor of our times.

To steal a scene with sheer talent or carry a whole movie on his shoulders is normal for Big B. 

Such is his personality and such is his genius ! 

But in this movie there are some things even more powerful than this man. 

Right on top are the young girls . 

You may have never heard of their names but they will stay in your heart for a long long time. 

Such beautiful , ordinary and innocent characters who just want to be given the freedom to work and live with dignity.

But no, our society will not even grant them this much !! 

This truth and reality is portrayed powerfully without too much melodrama or histrionics ! 

And it will burden your conscience much after you have left the movie hall ! 

If richness of language  touches your sensitive heart , these lyrics are just for you :

kaari kaari raina saari 
sau andhere kyu laayi?
Kyun laayi?
Roshni ke paanv mein ye bediyaan si kyu aayi?

Titliyon ke pankhon par rakh diye gaye pathar,
E Khuda tu gum hai kahaan?
Reshmi libason ko cheerte hain kuch khanjar,
E Khuda tu gum hai kahaan?

The complete cast and crew can take a bow for creating a very good movie.

Go watch it ! 

Watch it for all the bright and beautiful women that we as a society have wronged for so long !

Pink is the new black !

Thanks Vebha Sharrma for recommending !

@ Rekha Malhan

03:02 By Mainak Dhar

My review for Amazon :  

There is an absolute genius at work here !

I am a marathon runner who stays and trains in the very same area where the book is based. It is amazing that every building and every street is described to an accuracy that would make Google Maps proud. This was the initial hook that made it difficult for me to put the book down.

But that was not all.

The plot was next thing that absolutely captivated me.
Being an ex NDA Navy veteran , I was simply amazed at the ability of the author to write with such authenticity and accuracy ! 

There came a stage that I waited like a mischievous child for the author to make a mistake. He beat me absolutely ! 

Not even a military man could have weaved such accurate details into a beautifully embroidered , intricate and imaginative plot.

An absolute thriller that will keep you awake at night !

Mainak has created a master piece !!


When there was darkness and sorrow all around me, you were always there to embrace me and love my soul. 

You made sure that I never lost my smile or my courage. 

They say marriages are made in heaven.
You taught me how heaven is made in marriage.

I owe my life to you.
I love you more than my life ! 

Thanks Rekha Malhan

14th September 2016

UK is celebrating ' Cycle To Work ' day today.
London puts a huge lot of effort in this area.

But in my opinion, the world's best cities for cycling must be Copenhagen and Amsterdam. 

Cities like Mumbai, Delhi ....? 

Can we talk of something else please ?


11th September 2016

The day submerges into dusk.
And then dawn emerges from the night.

God permits me to watch these miracles daily from my windows.

His glorious silent creation makes me firmly believe in a few things :

The presence of God in my life.
The beauty of universe that surrounds me.

I love life.
Life loves me.

Thank you God.
Thank you.
Thank you.



  • So sorry for your loss. He sounds like he was a great man. Thank you for sharing his words with us.

    Jan 13, 2018

  • do you have brothers and sisters

    Jan 13, 2018

  • Neelima Ghani

    Neelima Ghani

    Knew him for a short time, but Ravi's courage and positivity never ceased to amaze and inspire me . After reading this, felt like he is still here on earth , writing his next insightful FB post . Ending with with his favorite line - 'Thank you God, thank you, thank you .. '

    Jan 14, 2018

  • it was kinda boring to me but i hope others like it :(

    Jan 16, 2018

  • awesomeme quotes some long-winded passages

    Jan 18, 2018

  • You are a real fighter.You always remember in the heart of other. l understand your feeling towards books.I feel brave after reading your quotes.

    Feb 25, 2018

  • thats a great fighter..inspired

    Mar 13, 2018

  • Beautiful.

    Jul 02, 2018

  • szija

    Jul 16, 2018

  • Amazing

    Sep 23, 2018

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