The Night That Changed My Life
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On a cold night I grabbed my jacket closed the my door and walk down my street. I've never taken a walk after sunset but tonight every fear in me escaped through the little space between my broken heart. I kicked every stone my feet can reach, I walked straight with my head up straight and my eyes wide open with tears rolling down my cheeks, every tears dropped off right on my chest. As I kicked one can I heard a voice from behind a big tree in my street " hey some of us are trying to sleep here!, do you mind" the voice gave me fright of my life. I quickly turned to the street and fearlessly walked towards the tree, I was curious to see the ghost at least that's what I thought. In my second shock an old man covered himself with a big paper box, his eyes were white as my teeth, he smiled as he stared at me "you need a place to lay your head, we can share my space for tonight" I thought to myself (you call this your space? Hmmm does he sleep here every day?) Why was I even asking the man looked like a homeless a person. Finally I took a deep breath and answered him "no sir but thanks for your kindness, I was just wondering who could be here this time of the night, when I was a child we were told a lot of ghosts stories so I thought I was lucky to finally see one tonight" he rolled his eyes and started laughing "okay miss you are in my territory so have yourself a blessed night coz I'm no ghosts but don't worry you'll find them as you walk further" he giggled as he laid his head on his arm to sleep. I was curious to know why he doesn't have home to go to so I asked him before he shuts his eyes "why are you here, I mean don't you have a home or something?" He got up and said "for 30 years the street have been my home, so what home are you talking about? they said home is where the heart belongs, so my heart belongs wherever I can lay my head" he didn't bother to wait for me to say something, he covered his head with a box. I knew he wanted me gone so I took few step backwards and continued walking, I wanted to turn after what he said about the ghosts but I was more curious in what I will find in these streets so I continued walking but I stopped kicking anything to avoid waking up another homeless person. In my next turn I stood and stared at the house on my right, stared right at the only window with lights on, I could see shadows of a man and a woman they looked like they were inlove, I know they were just shadows but they said a lot. They lay down on the bed and I knew it was time for me to leave but before I could leave a car drove straight in the house garage. After a while I've noticed the people in the up room were rushing to dress up, the man shadow ran out of the room leaving the female there. A little while the guy that came in with a car went in the room, he took of his suit and the lady gave him a warm hug, hmmm it looked like a welcome home hug. They switched the lights off, I was left there with nothing on my mind until I saw the other guy running out from the back door, danm I get the story. The lady was cheating on her husband with some guy that ran out of their bedroom otherwise why would the other guy run after laying on top of her when the other man suddenly came home, and the other man got to sleep with the lady switching the lights off. Wow here I was thinking man a are wicked. I tied my shoe lace ( reason my I stopped in the first place) and walked on. My curiosity was craving for more. I took the turn in the next street, for a while I even forgot why I was walking that walk in the first place. The next street was not quiet, there was screaming of a child, his father was beating him. The poor child cried his lungs out while the man kept on yelling about a broken plate, I wondered if that was the reason he was beating his child mercilessly. He pulled his child inside when he saw me standing there, I wish I could help that child but I didn't walk the street to find trouble for myself, as it is my life was a mess too. I continued my walk, it was getting late so I speed up a little bit to get home. I found myself walking slow again when I saw people gathering around a big mansion, the police was there too. and neighbours standing around a big mansion. I rushed to see what's going on, in my first sight I saw a woman laying lifeless on the porch, coming from the mansion was a man handcuffed by the police. "Did he kill that woman" I thought out loud, the woman next to me said "my dear you must be knew here, all of us around here knew this will happen one day. Than rich heartless man always abused his wife sometimes even his kids." She held her hands together and started crying "poor kids, I don't know what will become of them, it was only their mother who looked after them" she said. I looked up the house, the kids were standing on the balcony holding each other. The man felt no remorse, he even smiled when they put him in the police car. I didn't want to see no more, my curiosity was crushed, how can so much happen in one single night. First the homeless man, then the cheating wife, the child being abused and finally the murder. If this only happened in one night, how many incidents still have to happen tomorrow night and how many had happen the previous nights. Lord I was out of words, I even forgot the reason why I was walking. My heart was broken by the only man I knew and later that same day I lost my job but with all that happen on that night, I knew nothing is greater than getting up from every fall. The next morning I got myself up and went job hunting again, as for my ex I sent him a good luck sms I wish him well.