Done Dusted Failed 2 Read Count : 208

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Drama
After much fighting screaming opinions put across it was decided that the "family meet the guy an his parents. So I called up Ryder and told him what's required. He agrees to the Saturday that follows. Dreading the days to D-Day I make sure all chores and stuff is done leaving no reason for error. School was a maze I stumbled through and my friends backed off a bit seeing I was not in the mood for idle chit chats. Couldn't really say what happened but all I know was our parents meet discussed terms and conditions agreed upon and I had a boyfriend with the "acceptance " of mine. We dated three months officially with their knowledge and then came the question of where do I see this relationship going. I wasn't about to argue that fact that we barely know each other an we want to take things slow as it's frowned upon in indain society. So once again it's was a discussion and we got engaged only to set the wedding date for December that very year. I gave up its clear these people don't understand what I wanted and how I was going to achieve my goals but I decide hell what the heck if it means freedom then why not. 

So days turns to weeks and months roll by leaving me running around with my aunts to dress fittings and shit when my big day arrives it's surreal. One of the most happiest I could ever count on. Sure I couldn't wait to start and given my first hand experience of how to be a good wife I was equipped to prove it to the world. Our first year and a half was spent with me being supportive considerate caring and alot more eventually I noticed with me giving all my time to Ryder and making sure everything is in tiptop shape when he gets home we barely ever spoke to each other has he had evening games or practice to attend weekends was matches it his family we never went out alone as a couple and fucking was by appointment only sure I thought he might be gay or something but that wasn't the case all I got told was be patient give me time. I did. With a few months I was preggies with our first kid and things started rolling down hill. First the snide comments or remarks then the arguments eventually the ocassional beating.... I took it it's fine it's what men does when they stressed and don't have enough of an outlet. So I continued to chalk up things and make excuses. I spent more time time working coming home seen to my kid and stil clean up cook and do what ever needs to be done.  With no help. I managed. Eventually  kid two was born like five years later and then things started getting worst. Apart from the beatings and and crap he started to chat up women visit and stuff and I fought begged cried blah blah blah .... he'd stop for a few months and just carried on when he thought I wasn't looking. My thing was I dint do this to you so this isn't on if you don't want this then leave. But come on who's going to leave if they have a bond free house bills paid free  gas for the car free groceries no one so he stayed continued his pattern and the fights. I never went to my parents with this as things wasn't really that good between us. So I stuck and stayed years passed and before I knew kid number three was there popping into the world. That's when I really got to see what a bastard of a husband I had  I gave up my job my independence my little pride and stay home to be a full time mom. This was when he got worst the fights and beatings weekly and then one day after an argument he comes home and says he wants out we can stil be married but he can't deal with my shit. And he de severs better god its was scary. I called up our parents and waited for them to come.....


  • Words of Deception

    Words Of Deception


    May 10, 2017

  • May 08, 2017

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