Another Breakup Poem
Read Count : 149
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Alright, so it happens to everyone, right? You meet that one person that puts stars in your eyes, the Apollo to your Icarus, someone who feels like sunlight, but also feels like a shady spot on a hot day. And then, it happens, you fall in love and maybe that love is good, and strong, Or maybe it burns like ice and heat and chaos Either way… eventually it ends; an ending that feels like a hurricane, an ending that smashes into your heart like a freight train, an ending that puts a dull ache in your chest for months, maybe even years How does one cope? How am I – how is A Person supposed to move on from someone who felt so much like home? What can anyone do when that knife in their chest refuses to budge? I know triage says never take out the thing you’ve been impaled on but I’m building scar tissue just by standing here and I am so, so scared that if I don’t get over this soon that sinew and tissue will grow over the knife like a vine and I’ll always have this aching reminder of how things could have been Or maybe it’s not a knife at all. Maybe it’s not a wound in the traditional sense – maybe it’s a car crash, all glass shattering, and mangled metal strewn across an intersection that has heard this story too many times. Maybe its internal bleeding, and all that shows is some bruising. But that bruise runs deep, as deep as that love we once shared. But what all that pain comes down to is this: that love was real. It was warm and close, and it felt like it was the be-all, end-all. But the pain will not last. And some day, maybe soon, maybe not for a few years, but for sure not until things really get better, someone else will come along. Someone who makes the last love look dull in comparison. Or maybe not, maybe the first love always looks too bright and over-exposed. Maybe the next love will be a little duller, a little easier to look at. A little less surface-of-the-sun. Maybe next time I won’t get burned.