Ogui Adventures Read Count : 111

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Adventure
Ougi was a normal cat, one day, he was sleeping. Then, STOP BOOMER! Came from his owner's voice. Boomer was the hyper dog, and the biggest dog in the family. The owner has four dogs and one cat. (Bad for Ougi) He hated the dogs. When his owners moved, he was terrified of the new house. He stayed under the couch for 4 weeks when they moved. He was a inside cat, and if you put him outside, well.... Your dead. He will claw you to death. He is a brat. (No kiddin) He was always grumpy, he would always judge you. He is the next grumpy cat. 
Anyway, we are getting off topic. Once Ogui heard that noise, he jumped so high, I swear, when he landed he was gonna break the ground. But he didn't! The owners went on a trip after they yelled that. They locked up two of the dogs. Because the other dog was tidy. And Ogui, well lock him up, and your well, dead... again. He kept sleeping in different spots. The couch, beds, closets, and dog beds. Wait, dog beds? He has not done that before. Whatever. He stared out the window. He tried to catch the birds outside. But the door, was closed. Boomer yelled to Ogui. "The door is closed stupid!"
Ougi hissed back. "MEROWWWSSSSSSSS!"
He stared, stared, and stared at Ogui scared.
Like he was just caught drinking from the toilet. Ogui said. Yes, fear me.


  • Meow!

    Dec 28, 2017

  • good start

    Dec 28, 2017

  • Nyp Cat

    Nyp Cat

    Thanks For The Feedback Guys!

    Dec 30, 2017

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