It's In Your Head Read Count : 76

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Horror
"Police open up, open up now!"
 Suddenly the door smashed open into the small bungalow, "Police! My God get the ambulance now!" 

Three years later, "Ann, are you alright dear?" The young nurse in the orphanage said with caution, "Fine,I'm fine," said the little girl. Ann or Annie as some of the doctors called her, always wore a little red dress. She always had two fish tails in her hair at each side of her head, her hair was dark brown it looked even darker beside her ghost like skin.
                          Ann was no nomal child she was special in many different ways she could make doors close without touching them, anyone who annoyed her would dissappear, she would scream if she could not find her doll and she could hurt anyone without touching them. 
                           The reason why Ann was in the Orphanage was because when she was five her parents had not been seen for a number of days. So the police were called and searched the small bungalow for them but what they saw shocked them, they saw two bodies holding hands with an X carved into their stomachs. In the next room there was their daughter playing with her toys happily without any worry about her parents at all. later that day the couple were pronounced dead and the child and orphan.
                          When Annie was asked what she knew about their deaths she only said 'bad' when she was again she said 'bad let me look for Mr Smiley.' She was then asked "who is Mr Smiley?" "Bad he will find you and..." then she made a gun hand gesture and pointed it at the police officer, after that Ann has been in a ward in the orphanage called 'Ward for Special Children.'
                         Ann was the only child in the ward in fact she was the only person in there. She was not allowed to speak or be near the other children because when she was younger she tied a little girl by her hair to a bed and started carving the alphabet with a knife into her arm. Annie only got to H before she got caught, the little girl got rushed to hospital and relocated to a different orphanage. Ann didn't think she did anything wrong and laughed.
                         "Annie it is time for your breakfast pet," said the old women in a sweet and caring voice, this particular women Annie liked compared to the others she hated them. she drew pictures of them all dead except for the old women called Agatha.


  • ⭐star⭐

    Dec 28, 2017

  • not bad. needs a grammar fix though

    Dec 28, 2017

  • Thanks for the support

    Dec 28, 2017

  • Me likes 😝😺 do mooooooreee!!

    Dec 30, 2017

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