Hey Trump Voters!
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Category : Blogs
Sub Category : Politics
Dear Trump voters, Congratulations on enabling a $300 billion tax refund for the top 2%. This is the single biggest transfer of wealth from the working class to the rich in modern history! It will henceforth be named TrumpCare. The only cost of TrumpCare, unless modified by the Senate, will be higher healthcare cost for people with pre-existing conditions and older people. We also stand to lose a number of preventative coverages and those with mental health issues, drug dependencies and pregnant women will be paying a hell of a lot more out of pocket. Oh yea, another cost ... thousands of people are going to die because of coverages being denied or losing their health coverage due to higher costs. But don't fret too much Trumpsters, there is a second silver lining ... insurance companies will likely set new profit records under this plan. This means that insurance company executives will be able to trade in that 85' yacht for a 125' model. And think of all the "thank you" cash that will find its way back to those 217 Republican shit heads. They can put that money to good use in the next election cycle to convince you all to vote against your interests yet again. That's right cretins, keep watching Fox News, keep listening to Rush Limbaugh and keep getting your working class butts kicked in the service of the 2%. It has been said many times, "we get what we deserve". The only problem with that is that some of us didn't buy the Trump bullshit. We knew he was a con man, the proverbial wolf in sheep's clothing. So do yourselves a huge favor next election cycle, try reading a few newspapers, magazines and watch at least one "non-fake" news network like CNN or CBS a few times per week to provide a reality check from what Fox and friends are pushing out. As you are now begining to realize, elections do have consequences. SAD!