Read Count : 109
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Adventure
( Based on Warrior Cats by Erin Hunter ) A pale shorthair she lept from a tree, landing on a small apprentice, gray and.. dark gray stripes ? The apprentice un-sheathed their claws and yeowled, flipping over and scratching the pale she In the belly. The she staggered back and hissed, ears back and tail lashing," We meet again.. " the grey apprentice's eyes grew wide as a owl's,"S-Scorch !?!? How did you get here, you are at the alley !" Scorch sheathed her claws and padded toward the small gray tom," Long time no see, AshenPaw <3" Scorch circled AshenPaw brushing him with her tail end, making him purr and stopping at the front of him. AshenPaw flicked his ear and pointed his muzzle at the camp, meaning that a patrol was coming, AshenPaw could hear it," We shall meet soon, goodbye for now" the pale tabby, Scorch, waved her tail bye and rushed away through the undergrowth. AshenPaw watched her go, as soon as her tail tip disappeared he turned his head towards the camp, just now seeing the heads of the two warriors on patrol, A brown with black tom and a orange with white tom. They noticed AshenPaw when he walked past with his fresh killed rabbit, lashing his tail with pride," Greetings, AshenPaw." AshenPaw lifted his furs the let them fall down for BrambleThorn and FlameCloud were in his clan," See you after our patrol of the WHOLE territory." FlameCloud said un-happily AshenPaw flicked his tail in response when he was behind them. AshenPaw lifted up the rabbit again, hoping that the cats in he camp would smell its sent it instead of Scorch's... To Be Continued