Read Count : 135
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Fantasy
Not many people speak my name, nor even think of it. It is not a name that means that of joy or comfort, or of love and care. It means the darkest of things. Rest well, people of Yverdshon, for tomorrow you'll need your strength. I, will come. Many days have gone by, days of planning and scheming, while you small minded, dull, pathetic creatures, put your filthy hands on this land. It was mine, before you stole it away. I'll make you all pay. Yet, when tomorrow arrived and I had at ready my bloodthirsty teeth and flesh ripping claws, I was taken by surprise. For one little girl, a hand outstretched and smiling, offered a home of warmth, care and love. Her face was kind, not that of any monster that would reap. She welcomed me in, even her parents did so, with no fear. They showed the opposite of what had transpired months ago. I could not place why these people took me in, or why they showed kindness, to me of all creatures. I felt like a monster, looked like one rather. But I knew, that these people were real monsters on the inside, no matter how pretty they looked. These people betrayed that knowledge, however. They took me in and fed me, cared for me, loved me. I asked why they took my land, the answer was that they did not realise. They allowed me to roam freely, giving back my home in peace, and they had begged for me to not hurt anyone. And I didn't. Yet I lay here now, someone's hand grasping my paw with the sound of whimpering, covered in blood. I was outside a mansion, its splendour gracious in its presentation. A man, with a shining suit and fine hair, owned it. He was the one who shot me. He was also the mastermind who stole my land. And now, I will die in the soil compromised by his greed, with only the small family who took me in at my side. The family, that will be punished for allowing me to wonder. Maybe I'd have been better off, a lone wolf.
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