Flirt Affair Read Count : 129

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
Author's Note:
Many of us have heard the term 'love affair.'

Maybe, there are even many who have experienced that..! 
But, 'Flirt affair' is actually a lot different than the term 'love affair'

This story puts forth the desires and longings of a young girl...

Society blamed her for being different than the rest... 

But, being different is not a fault and maybe, she was right in her own way...

[Dear Readers, do stay tuned for the updates of this story, and if you like it, be sure to give it a 5-star...]


  • nice 👍👍

    Dec 27, 2017

  • Haylee Lala

    Haylee Lala


    Dec 27, 2017

  • Ayush Roy

    Ayush Roy

    Thanks everyone...

    Dec 29, 2017

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