Exceptional Read Count : 122

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
LOVE.... a simple word that has been thrown around so freely and carelessly on a whim. Pretty much a word that has been abused. I have heard the words "I love you" being said to me countless of times by guys who use that line as their weapon to achieve something for their own benefit. In other words, those three words which are supposed to be sacred, actually means nothing - just mere words, hollow and has no meaning. I know this because I felt nothing when I heard them said to me.

I have spent many years in trying to understand the true meaning of the word and in that process I have compared it to the feelings and emotions that I have experienced. The line between lust, hunger and desire is so fine that it can easily be misunderstood into thinking that it is love when in actual fact it is not. I learned about the true meaning of love from my late uncle. I learned that I can love a lot of people and things but being in love..... that can only happen with one very special and extraordinary individual.

Am I in love? Yes, I am. How did I know that I was in love - did I have sirens going on in my head as an indication that I was in love? No, there were no sirens, bells, or running lights. I compared it to the feelings and emotions that I have experienced in the past and this is like nothing that I've ever felt before - this deep feeling of peace, joy, and deep love that fills the depth of my Soul and the core of my being.

Did it happen overnight? At first sight? No and no. It was something that was born out of no planning or scheming. Once it was born, like a child, it needs to grow. The growth of that love solely depends on its parents - me and my significant other; you. It is the responsibility of both of us to determine that this love grows into what it was intended to be. This love is our baby. And while you and I find ways to figure out how to raise our baby right, there are bound to be hiccups along the way. That's okay. We learn, and we learn together. When it comes to this baby of ours, I think you and I have what it takes to be exceptional parents.


  • ⭐star⭐

    Dec 27, 2017

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