Melody Released Chapter 1 Read Count : 128

Category : Adult

Sub Category : Erotic
Come over. I have beer and pizza. And football." Melody laughed at the text and looked out the window. To say it was snowing would be an understatement. She couldn't even see the house across street where the text had come from. "He's fucking crazy if he thinks I'm going over there. The only thing that wants to be out in this weather is you." She reached down to pet the huge fuzzy husky standing next to her as they stared out the window. The phone buzzed again and she glanced down only to roll her eyes.
"Don't tell me you have a better offer." Andrew has been her neighbor and friend for a year now, forcibly pulling her out of her shell one annoying text at a time. He constantly gave her crap about  not leaving the house enough, not dating, her crazy hours and not enough sleep. She took a picture of the bottle of whiskey, then one of the huge pot of soup on the stove and sent them both with a smile. He'd be showing up in a couple of minutes and she pulled bowls and spoons out with a couple of glasses. By the time the small end table in the living room was set and she had curled up under a blanket the front door opened with a loud crash.
    "Mellie! I'm here for food and to keep you company on such a cold lonely night!" His deep voice boomed through the house and she swore she heard the husky sigh as he moved from the couch to his bed. 
    "Don't call me that or I'm not feeding you Dick. It's all ready to go in here." She tried to sound stern and grumpy  but she was smiling as he rounded the corner with a beer in each hand. 
    "You always feed me Mellie that's an empty threat." He flopped down on the couch and she held on for dear life. 
    "So do you have to try to break my couch every time you come over? How do you forget you're a damn giant?" She shot him a look as she used her stern voice and took the offered beer.
    "Sorry mom! Hey share the blanket would you?" He pulled the blanket off of her without waiting for an answer. "Holy shit.... you're in fuzzy pink pjama pants. This is amazing and I need a picture." He laughed at her horrified look and held tight as she tried to yank the blanket back over herself.
    "Andrew I swear to god..." he pulled out his phone and she launched herself at him trying to pull it out of his hands. He laughed, extending his arm and taking pictures as she climbed onto his lap.
    "You're not very threatening when you're in pink Melody. You better try harder." He wrapped a big hand around her wrist as her fingertips brushed the phone and to retaliate she put an elbow in between two of his ribs. "That's it. Game on!" He dropped the cell and wrapped an arm around her waist holding her still as he started looking for ticklish spots.
    "Andrew I'll kill you in your sleep I promise you I will." She squealed as he found the spot behind her knee and her wriggling doubled as she struggled to break free. 
    "Call mercy and tell me how wonderful i am and I'll stop." He hesitated, letting her catch her breath for a second but not releasing his hold on her.  
    "Bite me." She jerked hard against him renewing her struggle. She didn't get a warning, suddenly his teeth found the inch of skin on her shoulder  exposed by her t-shirt. He bit down hard, and the moan that escaped her shocked them both. Neither one of them moved, his lips still pressed to her skin, her breath coming in small gasps. She could feel him harden underneath her, he could feel her rapid heartbeat, and the taste of her was addicting.
    "Again." He murmured the word against her hammering pulse as he pulled her shirt farther off her shoulder and his teeth sank in again before his tongue eased the sting.
    "Andrew." His name came out as another soft breathy moan as her back arched and her fingers tightened around his arm. "You have to let me get off of you." Her voice was low and husky, and when she turned her head to look at him her cheeks were pink, eyes dilated. 
    "Why?"  He could feel the weight of her full breasts against his arm, she fit perfectly in his lap, and every fantasy he tried not to have played through his head. 
    "I... I mean we... you and I, it's a bad idea." He wasn't holding her there anymore, but still she hadn't moved.
    "Why?" His voice had gone deep and seductive and she shivered a little as his hand slid across her thigh. "I could spend all night hearing you moan my name like that." Her eyes widened, lips parting in a small gasp and he took advantage of the moment. He pulled her across his lap, cradling her as his lips found hers, nipping lightly before his tongue slid into her mouth. His hand found her ass,  cupping gently, feeling her shyly start to kiss him back. He was rock hard, unable to hide it, and as he raised his head to look at her he knew she was just as affected.  Her nipples stood out even though her bra and her t-shirt and he lazily slid a finger over the left one.
    "It'll be all sorts of complicated if we fuck tonight. What about our friendship?" He tugged just hard enough to watch her body shudder as she bit down hard on her lip. 
    "If you don't want to then we won't. But no excuses you either want to or you don't. If you say yes I'm in control and you better think of a safe word fast." She looked up at him, shock and lust mixing together and he grinned. "I'm a Dom baby, and I've had plenty of fantasies about you late at night." He slid his thumb across her bottom lip, waiting for an answer.
    "Ummmm.... Andrew it's been a  really long time since I've... you know. And I've never been with someone like that." She felt the blush rise and looked down at his chest. 
    "Since you've what? Say it.  And look at me when you do." He pulled her hair until she was looking up at him and he felt her hand dig into his shoulder.
    "Since I've had sex, I'm not sure how to feel right now... I've watched rough porn i didn't think I'd like it as much as I do." Her admission made him groan out loud, he needed her to say yes.
    "I've had dreams about tying you down, taking my time as I teased you until you begged me to let you cum. Then I forced you to cum over and over until you couldn't take it anymore. I want to spank your ass  until it's bright red, until every time you sit the next day your panties get wet thinking of me fucking you hard and deep. Did you ever get off thinking of me?" He refused to let go of her hair, the silky strands wrapped tight around his fist felt right. She turned a deeper red and he felt himself grin. Oh yeah she had thought about it. "Tell me baby. I want to know what you thought about, if you used toys, and I want to know how many times you made yourself cum. Straddle me and tell me." He didn't wait for her to agree, poking her side gently to get her onto his lap facing him.
    "I wondered what it would be like on my knees, your dick down my throat, hands in my hair forcing it deeper. You talking to me as I struggle to take it.” 
    "Did I tell you to take my cock like a good little slut? To play with your pussy while I fucked your mouth?” he whispered the words in her ear, hot breath making her shiver as she whimpered at the thought.
     "Pretty much, maybe not as... Explicit I guess. But then you pulled me up, pushed me on the bed and fucked me harder than I've ever been... I got off once thinking about blowing you and twice with a toy thinking about you inside me." He growled low in his throat, yanking her hips tight against his, rubbing his hard aching cock against her.
    "Say the word and I'll make dreams come true you didn't even think were possible. Give me tonight Melody... I know enough to realize you haven't been fucked in at least a year. Let me push you over the edge and trust me to catch you."
    She nodded, whispering a breathless yes as she felt slick heat building between her thighs. He stood, holding her effortlessly as he made his way deeper into the house, deciding on which fantasy to bring to life.


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