Grip (2) Read Count : 104

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery

I look up just in time to shoot out my hands and catch the ball. The ball touches my psalms and i try to close my fist around it-but my hands weren't quick enough and the ball ends bouncing off my hands to the ground, resting at my feet. 

“Nice grip Johnny!” a voice calls and i took right towards the empty field full of boys to see Sam. Ugh, Sam. The boy that’s fixed towards making my life hell-not that he’d know that it already is. “Come on Johnny, throw it!” My name's’ actually Martin,  but i don't correct him,i’ve had enough shit today to last me ‘till tomorrow. 

So i pick up the ball and throw it to him-and before he can say something else, i turn and walk away. 

I walk until the boys’ laughter is eaten by the wind. But i apparently i don’t walk fast enough, because Sam was caught up with me. ‘Hey. Hey! Wait up!” He calls,his voice marred by exhaustion tells me he’s been running for a while. “Hey!” His voice punctuated by his hand on my shoulder, I involuntarily flinch and he shies away as if he was the one surprised 

“Hey dude, i’m not going to hurt you, sure i might say some mean things to you but i won’t do anything to you or something”. Already weary from his presence, i sink into suspicion from his words. “What do you want then?” “Chill man, chill. I just want to talk.” Still convinced he means harm, my guard stay in place and my wall starts to build. “Talk about what?” “about you becoming apart of my crew. Jerry left town and i need someone to fill his place. So are you up for it?” “Why are you asking me?” “Come on Johnny yo-,” “It’s Martin” “Ok Martin, look- there isn’t much people in this town, and you’re the only guy around here, that’s our age. Plus you need some friends, everyone knows it, so join us.” Nope,nope,nope. This is a set up, i can smell the mischief in his words; but, i play along. “Ok so what do i have to do?” “All you have to do is spend the night with us in Mcstill’s.” The words weighs on us and it forces us into silence. 

Mcstill, also known as “The Hunted” is the neighborhood haunted house, that of course is in every small town. You’d think that these kind of things only happens in movies and in books, but nope it’s real. Well, the fact that people thinks it’s haunted is. No one knows why people think it’s haunted, no-one has lived there-ever. It’s one of those house that’s been vacant for - forever.  But it’s haunted nevertheless. So when Sam  propose that offer, i turned away from him and walked away. “Well if you change your mind, you know where to find me!” Sure Sam, like i’d come looking for you.


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