The Legends Of Herobrine 2 Meeting DanTDM
Read Count : 144
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Horror
When alex and steve got on the boat while escaping herobrine while on the boat they saw a storm coming rain came down they where scared of the storm then a wave came and went on them they drowned in the depths of the sea. Then steve and alex woke up they where on a pretty island the trees looked beautiful it was amazing steve said oh my gosh this island is so beautiful alex said yes steve it dose look beautiful then they saw that looks like a house in the distance frome them when they got to the big preety house they looked through the window they saw a lab and then a villager came to test potions then steve went to the door and knocked on the door then a person came to open the door in the house he said helo who are you might be I'm alex alex said steve said I'm steve and the person said hi I'm DanTDM alex said nice name said alex what's the Villigers name said steve DanTDM said that's doctor Tryoruse steve said also a cool name DanTDM said thank you guys you should go inside its dark out so they went inside they met doctor Tryoruse he said hi what's your name he asked steve said hi I'm steve alex said hi I'm alex the they all went to the rooms to sleep alex had to sleep in the closest steve also had to sleep in the closet with her DanTDM slepped in his room also Doctor Tryoruse went to sleep in his bed he then saw herobrine in front of him and herobrine kinaped doctor Tryoruse. The End