Christmas Story
Read Count : 112
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Romance
~BxB Story~ Walking through the brightly lit night of Christmas Eve, the two were held hand in hand as they ignored the whispers and the stares from behind them, next to them and in front of them. All they wanted was to spend Christmas together. That was all they wanted to do. That was all they needed to do. But, it wasn't in his plan to do it like this. ~~ 3/4 Hours Earlier. Darren had just gotten back from ice skating practice, his hair partly sweaty as well as his neck drenching in it. Grabbing his big black fluffy towel, he used it to dry his neck as his hot breath went in and out through his parted mouth. Looking at the time, he saw it was only nine pm, sighing, he placed his towel around his neck as he sat down on the nearby bench and began taking off his skates. Suddenly feeling a cold chill, he looked up and saw no one, so he turned around to see Sam glaring at him with a piece of paper in his small but cold hand. "What are you doing here?" The blonde male questioned Darren as he walked towards the big male who's body was making Sam's body look rather small if you saw them next to each other side by side. "I was just finshing.." Darren stated as he gestured to his almost untied laces on his skates. Sam still glaring at him, he shoved the piece of paper he had been holding into his face as his cheeks began turning slightly red as he ran away after handing it to Darren. Raising an eyebrow at Sam's back as it disappeared behind the metal door to the changing room, he glanced at the paper as he picked it up from its position, straightening out the ends that has gotten creased from Sam squeezing it too tight. Reading the bold underlined title that read: 'Male Couples Walk The Christmas Eve Lovers Walk!' His own ears turning slightly red at the name, he glanced to where Sam had stood as he smiled a little, thinking about why Sam had given this him. They had been dating for a month now and Sam was slowly opening up to him, he thought that this would be a great chance to get to know the blonde better as well as coming out to all of the other skater apart from Zachary Salii. Darren and Zachary Salii surprisingly got along quite well so he had told Zachary, and the glasses boy had taken it quite well, he had squealed like a girl and congratulated Darren, but he was just pleased that someone knew. Reading the rest of the content on the letter, Darren had taken off his skates and placed them on the bench next to him as he read the whole piece of paper with writing on only one side. His eyes finding the clock on the wall, it read 10:24pm. Nodding to himself, he stood up onto the cold floor and walked towards the metal door that Sam had walked into. Going to open it, he didn't have enough time to react before the metal door opened and hit him in the face causing him to tumble over onto his butt and drop all of the things he was holding. The skates had thankfully landed on his lap partly, the piece of paper had disappeared and the towel around his neck had almost fallen off as he groaned at the pain as he heard a familiar gasp. "Darren!" Sam exclaimed with his deep voice, worried as he left the door to slowly close on its own as he rushed to kneel down next to his one month old boyfriend. Peeking through his partly opened eyes, he looked at the worried face of Sam Pkioy as he felt the blonde locks of his hair on his face which made him begin to laugh at the tickling touch. Sam clearly startled, he leaned back and blinked in confusion at the male infront of him as he placed a hand onto Darren's forehead as he watched Darren wince slightly at the touch but kept laughing slightly. "Did you really hit your head that hard?" The clueless male asked Darren with the slight tilt of his head. Shaking his own head, Darren used his left hand to grab Sam's cold hand that had once been on his forehead to warm it up with his warm one. Holding Sam's hand, Darren looked at him after his small laughing fit had come to an end as he glanced around for the paper but to no avail, he could not find it. "You know that piece of paper you gave me?" Darren questioned Sam as he raised an eyebrow at the male before him as he watched the blonde locks move up and down with Sam's head as he gestured to a 'Yes'. "Let's do it." Darren stated as he squeezed his lovers hand slightly as he watched Sam's head snap up with wide eyes and parted lips. "Really?" Sam asked still slightly doubting the large huggable male who nodded as a smile made its way to both of their faces. Standing up, Darren reached for the metal door once more before getting hit in the face yet again by the door as he let go of Sam's hand as he fell into his butt once again as he felt something warm rolling down his face. "Oh! I'm so sorry!" The squeaky voice of an elderly woman and her grandkids appeared, the kids looking startled and the elderly woman looking worried as Darren smiled and stood up acting fine as Sam glanced at him worried. "It's quite alright, have fun!" The male stated quickly before rushing off, grabbing his things before walking off with Sam following behind him as he looked at the time thay read; 10:56pm. Rushing towards the other set of changing rooms, Sam began speeding up to grab onto Darren's warm hand as they walked side by side. The cold touch reaching his hand, he gasped slightly but smiled at the feeling. Opening the door for Darren, Sam held the door open so it would not hit him in the face once more. "Thank you" Darren said to Sam as he walked past Sam and into the changing room where he had placed his clothes in a locker. Opening the door of the dark red locker, Sam sat down on the bench behind Darren as his eyes glazed over his body unconciously. Darren, who was unaware of Sam watching him began to strip of his sweaty and partly bloody clothing as Sam's eyes widened at the toned muscle body in front of him as he licked his lips once before turning the opposite way. Humming slightly, Darren began getting changed as Sam fought the urge to turn back around as his eyes watched the clock tick again and again. Finally dressed into new clothes, he slammed the locker door shut as Sam jumped a little in surprise as he turned around to be face to face with Darren who was leaning down and looking into his eyes. Smirking a little, Darren raised an eyebrow at the startled Sam who wasn't moving as Darren decided to move his head to the left and kiss Sam's cheek lovingly before raising up and holding his hand out for him. "Ready?" Darren wondered to Sam who nodded, still startled as he grabbed the warm hand and became relaxed. Standing up onto his feet, Sam looked up at the male and he looked at his eyelashes as he thought out loud.. "He has really long, beautiful eyelashes..." Sam stated before noticing what he was doing. "Why thank you." Darren smirked as he chuckled lightly at Sam's reaction of his cheeks turning a deeper red than before as they walked into the coldness of the Russian snow. The crunch sound making their ears as they both looked down to see at least half of one feet of snow. The heavily falling snow not stopping anytime soon, the two decided to travel to a nearby coffee shop to get warm and talk for a while. Walking side by side, their hands yearned for each other as they almost touched every few seconds, butterflies in their stomachs everytime they touched even the lightest touch. Glancing at Sam, Darren looked at his hand as he used it to softly hold hands with Sam who turned his head to Darren with wide eyes as he flinched and released the grip. Darren turned and looked at Sam with hurt eyes as he opened the door to the coffee shop and heard the sound of the familiar bell. Walking to the counter, Darren ordered a coffee as Sam ordered a cold strawberry milkshake as Darren raised an eyebrow at his request but watching Sam shrug. Sitting down on a leather seat, him and Sam faced each other sat in silence as they drank their drinks. Hearing music blast through the wall speakers, Sam hummed along as Darren listened to him with a small smile forming on his face as he just listened. "It has been a while since I heard you hum." Darren stated with his smile widening as Sam's cheeks turned a deep red as Darren stood up from his seat and sat next to Sam, so that they were facing the curtains that were hanging over the window. Sam looking at Darren, he smiled back as he placed his hand on top of Darren's. "Let's go for a walk?" Darren asked as he watched Sam finish his drink. Nodding, Sam rose and didn't realise they were holding hands until Darren began dragging him away. Five minutes later, they reached a large fountain that had a large Christmas tree with decorations hanging down from the branches as a bright yellow star shined bright in the darkness. "Is this what you wanted to see?" Darren asked him with a smile on his face. "Huh?" Sam stated with his head confused as he looked up at Darren as they looked at each other. "You wanted to go for a walk...didn't you?" Darren questioned the male as he raised an eyebrow. "Oh!" Sam stated with a wide grin as he leaned up to his tip toes and kissed Darren's cheek lightly as he ignored the stares. The stares. The stares. The stares. "Sammy?" Darren asked, snapping Sam out of his small trance as he stared at him with worried eyes. "Yeah?" The blonde spoke in return. "You alright?" Darren asked him with a small smile as Sam nodded in agreement. But, when Sam looked at Darren once more, he saw that Darren was close to him, he felt the stares on them. He heard whispers. He tried to ignore them, but he couldn't. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry." Sam whispered as he released his grip and began running off into the distance into the darkly lit street lamps as Darren watched his blonde locks fade away into the night as he began running after him. "Sammy!" Darren yelled as he ran after him, his long legs being useful. "Sammy!!!" He yelled again as he felt the wind push against his face, the snow falling into his hair. Running and running, he caught up to him and grabbed his wrist, spun him around and pulled him into his warm chest as he felt Sam wanting to pull away. "Let me go!" Sammy stated as Darren ignored him as he felt water fall through his shirt. Shaking his head, Darren held him close as Sam finally gave up and left his arms by his side as Darren kissed his forehead after pulling away, wanting him to not feel stressed or unloved. "Don't ever leave me.." Sam stated as placed his cold small pale hands onto Darren's cheeks, brought him close and slowly kissed him on the cheeks as the snow stopped falling, their lips becoming warm. Parting their lips, Darren opened his eyes and smiled as Sam smiled in return, their foreheads touched as they stood there, in the cold winter night as the clock stroke to midnight. "Merry Christmas" Darren and Sam stated in sync as they both laughed in sync yet again as they began laughing harder, kissing once more in the darkness of the night.