The Curse Of The Tiny Knife 2 Read Count : 125

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Adventure
When we last saw our adventurers they were on a quest to uncover the meaning of the visions, starting with a search for the hooded monkey.

With only a few days left before the curse would consumed her, Elizabeth was determined to uncover clues that would lead them to the hooded monkey. "Did you find anything, anything that would help us figure this out Sasha!" She exclaimed.
When she didn't get a response she turned around and started yelling for Susan but she was nowhere to be found. The only thing left was a piece of material. "Is this from the mystical hooded monkey?" She said to herself worried about what happened to her friend.
She kept searching for days only to find several dead bodies hanging from trees, she was relieved that none of them were her friend.
One day she looked up only to see a glimpse of the hooded monkey holding Susan.
She heard Susan yell "run, run. Don't turn back figure it out I know you can." Elizabeth attempted to save Sasha but couldn't, with her last breath she said "this isn't a world you want to live in, all because of a stupid knife!" She snapped the knife not knowing what would happen. All of a sudden souls rushed out of the broken blade, the monkey burst into flames and all was restored.
Or was it...


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