Okay Heres Part 2! 💞
Read Count : 232
Category : Stories
Sub Category : YoungAdult
Since i've already given you guys a basic summary of what led me to become who I am today. Now I will tell you the story about me: Who I was before, Who I became on drugs, & Who I am now. I hope you enjoy and I hope you guys keep encouraging me to write because I love this! So here goes guys. When I was about 13 my mom met a man, his name was David. He was pretty amazing for about the 1st year, then came the time for him to buy him and my mom a trailer and this guy changed. I mean when I say changed I mean he became evil and crazy. So I was 13, Clay was 11, and my baby brother was only 9 at this time. We didn't understand at all when they would argue or hear things break. I mean, half of the things that make sense to me now, definitely didn't back then. And, unfortunately now that we do know how he treated her we wish we could've done more. Anyways, so the days went on and on. The fights were everyday, we missed school, we'd lock ourselves in our room. It was like a horrid dream that we were living. I'm honestly surprised someone didn't have us taken away. I'm not complaining though adleast we survived. After a while, I decided as the oldest of us 3 that I had to do something, but I hadn't been taught how to do anything. So one night I decided the house needed cleaned, my brother's needed clothes, and bathes. They were also so darn hungry. So I started pulling everything out of the cabinets (I mean literally) reading what was what, and how to do this and that. Before I knew it i had supper made and it really wasn't all that bad. Laundry was washed & dried, and smelt alright (amazingly). Then my little brother's, and I mean the sweetest kids you'd ever meet back then, started helping me try to clean. It was basically like we had our own home at very young ages. Adleast we felt safe with each other, we honestly didn't need anyone after we finally figured out how to do things. We were afraid for mom and David to be home, they never stopped fighting. It was ridiculous. Well, one day at school my friend Cheyenne asked me if she could stay the night. I was lonley anyways and my brother's stayed at my grandma's for the night so I said "Yeah, sure." I didn't realize she had it all planned out to meet 2 boys that night, she had a boyfriend so I was pretty surprised. It's also ironic that 1 of the guys we met that night actually turns out to be my son's father. But this is where we're going to have to move onto Part 3 in the morning guys :) My kids are winding down for bed as we speak. Just be waiting for it guys, it'll be there! :)