Innocence Pt.2
Read Count : 137
Category : Adult
Sub Category : Adult Fantasy
Innocence. Chapter 2. Mirrors. The voice slowly began to echo away. Aya cried quietly to herself. She crawled back into bed and thought to herself "money is just paper, a paper that brings and takes" That morning she woke up to a brief sound of breeze. Her window was open. She went to go close it, a barley visable glow shaped like a man in a robe said to her in light wisper "this will guide you" He held out a diamond. She took it and and thanked him. Sera was on her way to school. The three diamonds in her bag. At the gate, a whisper from all directions told her to walk towards the forest. It led her to a tree, the tree was half dead and half alive. It told her to place the three diamonds on a stump that was infront of the tree. A blue light flood out of the diamonds and three wisps appeared to her. The left wisp took a step towards her and told her when she goes home she will find one million dollars, and that she should store it in her shed. The wisps disapeared. Sera didnt go to school and went home for the cash.