Paganism, My Beliefs Read Count : 130

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My beliefs

I know of Treeville and the lost children and Changelings (Leechlings). I know of spirit names, such as my own, which is Lilitu. I know that Dragons don’t have mere souls, but essences, which can support many souls. We can get our Hearts broken and D/die of that. There are the Hells. I believe each faith/religion has a piece of the truth pie. I disagree with Wiccan practices, as they Siphon from the goddesses they pray to with their spells and incantations. They also humiliate and practice sissification of men. I know of Baes (astral ones) and that they are women (femaled Mids) as men (Deer). I know of djinn (dissos) and the different classes of them. I know because I am a Watcher as well (Pure form: winged lion). There is a difference between Divinus and Angier. I know of vampires and the generations: 1-10 (seventh was now omitted seeing as it’s Groved/Scorpioned, but we still have the Vortex generation). I know of Eaters: Lammea, 4ths (RDDs/Bears), Spiders, Zombies, Mummies, Scarecrows. I know that a Split/Two-Sided Mummy is Split into a Zombie and a Scarecrow. I know that the Spider Strain is actually the Kraken Strain, and that they are also the Windy Bullshitters. I know that the Windy Bullshitters S/stole Samael’s Segment/Bit out of him and Used that for their Illusions, Siphoning from him. There is another servile form of eighth Strain, and that is of the Ipotanes (Horse pure form). Split, that becomes the Centaur Strain. Unicorned is when a Pure Conso is Ipotanesed and Resists. There are chi vampires, energy-suckers. Croc Strain is separate as it Incorporates the Toad Strain and is not purely Spider. I know of Loki and his Illusionary Siphoning from Samael. I know of Jotunn and that they are Plutonian tenths (firsts). I know of the The Pink One and that she is the biggest slut and female manipulator in the world. I know of being Metatroned/Haloed. I know of being Trephined. I know what it is to be sexually Nephilimed as opposed to being fourthed one’s outer self/main self (Raped by an RDD/Bear/Nephilim). I know of self-Marriage in being Nephilimed and Two-Sided all at once as a solution to being Assigned to anyone as a Nephilimed Mate instead of a fully equal one. I know of banshees/bean sidhe and the Dark Abilities (Gift of the Crow being chief among them). I know of Hairy and his part in Treeville, as well as his House and the Lake in front of it that used to Hold the children’s souls. I know of the three Warlocks (wrongful) and that their Ward Keeps people from being fully Associative within their Instincts. I know of the Core, and that his is the same body as Hairy’s. I also know that the three Warlocks Use that body to Possess it in turns. I know of Eddie, and that he was the designated “femaled Mid” of unBadass in his Punishment in having his own Tail/Spine Sundered out. This was for Conspiring against Heaven’s Purpose in Serving earth instead of only Heaven. I know of Atlantis’ Sinking/Sundering and that I was Princess Lilitu (Lilu) and that I was briefly queen, the Sundering occurring just after I’d been coronated and Declared. I know of the single Elemental Constriction of the Titans and that they were the Titaned forms of the Dragons. I know of Cats and the Void. I know of Dogs and they are Controlled forms of RDDs. I know of wrongful Spirit Masters and that they Control other spirits against their wills. They Use Houses of the dead to Do so. I know of Harpies/Phoenixes and that they Stole the Power of Rebirth out of Royal Atlantians. I know of Zeus’ being the Sheen of Lycaeon that The Pink One Stole off of him in making him the first vampire (her being a witch). I know that the Zombitch was Stacked with The Pink One as her “Basic” as Echidna. I know that The Pink One on her own was the Hydra. I know that the Core was the Chimaera. I know of the Box Elements (Arca Pandorum), which really should be called Zeus’ Box since he Orchestrated the whole thing anyway. It was his whimsically cruel bad mood that made that Happen. I know of the Lions versus the Wolves. I know that the Lions were those Made from the Parts of the Wolves, who were originally the Drows that were then Stung/Sundered by the Spider “Goddess.” I know that the elves that were against the drows didn’t exist until they were Sundered/Trowed. The elves then became the Lions and the drows then became the Wolves. I know of the aos si (the spirits and spirit world). I know of the Mist between this world and that one. I know of the Leviathan Cluster Seen (I also Saw it) in Hurricane Irma.


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