The Tree Read Count : 62

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
As a kid me and my best friend would play outside alot but my best friend was a mute she had bin in a car crash and she couldn't speek. 

One day we found a big dark oak tree it was huge we decided it was ower new play place.  

Years pass and we sill hung out thare but my friend developed suver depression and anxiety 

We was sitting under the tree one day and out of noware she asked 

"Whut would you do if I killed myself?" 

I stared at her and hesitantly sead " probably cry and want to die aswell ." 

She looked at me and sead " its late lest go home " a few days later she went missing and the one place I first looked was the tree thare I found a note 

(Dear grace I'm sorry but the world is cruel to us all of I could stay and not feel the pain I do I wouldn't stay I loved your storys that was my last light and your poems still have a place in my hart  and to the bullys who teased me yes I'm a mute and I've known that but I smiled even tho I was dieing and to my mother are you prowed you pushed my limit and hide my sole I'm grateful to grace as she showed who I was and didn't care about my status or my looks now look whut you made your child do  Look up) 

I looked up and saw my best friend her body was cut and she hanged herself at the same spot whare she sat every time we met thare 

I still visit the tree that raised us  and every now and then I would tell angel my storys and reed her poems

Please don't hert. Yourself . 

You are perfect no matter what you look like sound like or if your like angel 

Love yourself as you are not as others do


  • A heart felt story. We should all love ourselves.

    Jan 05, 2018

  • Apr 30, 2018

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