Thoughts To Ponder Read Count : 74

Category : Articles

Sub Category : N/A
What if today is THAT day? The day that you will meet the right people in the right places that will set into motion the future you’ve been dreaming about. 

What if you treated this day as just “another day”? Will you notice that person sitting next to you and strike up a conversation? Will you ignore your instinctive feelings and tell yourself, “I’m not doing that, it won’t make that big of a difference”? Or will you tell yourself you are comfortable, and you don’t need to do anything different today? 

What IF today is that day? Will you be looking for the magic in every moment?


  • Sachi kashyap

    Sachi Kashyap

    who knows

    Jan 05, 2018

  • This is so true. You never know what will happen on any given day.

    Jan 05, 2018

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