Romance Story (haven’t Decided On A Title) Read Count : 119

Category : Notes/Work

Sub Category : N/A
     Is true love real? And if it is, is it worth all the trouble to keep? The answer to this is, of course, in the eye of the beholder. But Ginny, a 15 year old girl bullied by her schoolmates, was very sure love was against her. Until she met Alex, that is. So let’s not keep waiting, and join Ginny on her spectacular adventure to discover herself and where she was meant to be.

Ginny stepped out of her social studies classroom with her book and lunch in hand. As she was making her way down the hall to the cafeteria, the whispering started again. This was, of course, nothing new to Ginny. Ginny was a book worm and also liked to dress in black. She wasn’t emo or goth, she just preferred the color black. She was known as the "goth bookworm" or sometimes they liked to mix it up with "dark weirdo with a book". It used to bother Ginny, but now she pretends that she didn’t hear the comments and moves about her day. But in all honesty, Ginny was greatly affected by it.
     As Ginny walked quicker down the hall to avoid the insults and stares, her head sank lower and lower so her black, shoulder-length hair hid her face from view. Even though Ginny couldn’t see them, she could still feel their judging eyes upon her. Ginny reached a round, empty table in the corner of the large cafeteria full of laughing kids and their friends, and sat down with a clunk. She pushed away her lunch and brought her book to an open instead.
     Ginny wasn’t hungry after all that had happened today. Usually she was alright and got used to it, but it was Friday and everyone seemed more energetic. Today she was pushed over twice, once on the walk to school and another in the hallway. And she was stopped in the halls several times just so kids could throw insults at her or call her names. Time went by as Ginny read, although she wasn’t sure how much. She was only interrupted when a boy with short brown hair and dark brown eyes came over and took her book from her hands.
     "Come get your book back, you little book worm! Don’t you ever get your nose out of your stupid books?" He threw the insult at Ginny with a sneer that reached Ginny with a piercing sensation, like a blade to skin.
     "Give it back." She said weakly. It was barely more than a whisper.
     "Guys! Did you hear that? It talks!" Yelled the boy to the cafeteria, which was followed by several sounds of laughter. He threw the book on the ground which slid to Ginny. She picked it up in a haste and opened her mouth to say something, but tears were welling up inside of her and she ran off. She was afraid of what would happen if the entire cafeteria saw her crying.
She ran to an empty hallway where she knew almost no one would go. It was full of half empty storage rooms and unoccupied classrooms. Since she was picked on a lot, she was capable of finding the best hiding spots in school. This one was her favorite.
     "What did I ever do to deserve this?" She asked herself quietly as she slid down to the floor. With tears streaming down her face, she began to pound her head with the palm of one hand as if trying to rid her head of the insulting comments and named. She used her uninjured hand because she had used the other to avoid face planting into the sidewalk when someone pushed her this morning. The injured hand had been all scratched up and was still slightly bleeding.
     "Why am I treated this way?" She asked herself again when someone’s hand reached out and grabbed her wrist.


  • leah francis

    Leah Francis

    This is a story I’m in the process of and I wanted to hear from people what they thought of it. Please be honest and tell me what needs to be fixed or what you think is good. Thank you for helping!

    Jan 05, 2018

  • I like it! I liked your use of words! can't wait to read more!

    Jan 05, 2018

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