Lily's Mixed Up Life {chapter One}
Read Count : 67
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Childrens
Monday, January 1 2018 Happy New Years! Today I am doing the 3 am challenge. Will the slime turn blue? I also am watching fireworks with my family tonight. I can't wait! The fireworks were incredible! Right now I am making slime at 10:55. Oops! Dropped some glue on mom's carpet. And she is mad. Oh well. Guess I will have to clean it in the morning. I am going to sneak a peek at my little sister Marly's slime. She is four and her slim looks so watery. Mines looks perfect. Its 2 am. 3 am. No blue! Its not true! Tuesday, January 2 2018 Today we had no school so I was stuck with my sister. She bit me! I am calling Brittney so we can go to the movies. My sister can have a babysitter. On our walk to the movies me and Brittney talk about our own club. Babysitting. No! Secrets. No! Restaurant? Yes! We could have a little place. Brittney's grandfather has retired but he still owns a restaurant. We could make coffee, hot cocoa, bagels, and cookies! We practically will have a Dunkin Donuts! We watch a movie about a girl who's dream is to act and someone really famous asks her to star in their show. Then we go to Brittany's grandpas house and ask. He agrees but I have to ask my parents. So I call them and they say yes! We have a restaurant. But it needs to be improved! TO BE CONTINUED