A Mist...
Read Count : 159
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
The beautiful mist was a soothe. The flare, the flare felt unbelievably smooth. Was it fire? No, it was a blueish and cloudy color. It's so shady and cloudy, I had to admire. The way it moves is intriguing. The air. The atmosphere. I feel my eyes bleeding. Not in pain. It's figurative for 'It's so blinding my eyes don't have much of a choice , but to look away.' But not in a way to be in vain. Just what caused this type of gas. Only that it's not just a gas. It's something else. Such as....A mist. That's obviously what it is. Something your eyes will not resist. Another air joins. It's a whistling smoke. Feel it go through your hair. Like a person or yourself giving you a hair stroke. The mist has gone. And so has the smoke. Here comes a sparkling dawn. Was it just part of midnight? The birth of the sun. Later comes the light. Shining its rays because it was its every right.