Tormented Dream Read Count : 136

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
After doing her morning chores, she and Sham were ready to go to school, Amina walked to her dad for lunch money but as usual her dad had no money for them, then she moved towards her mom hoping for something but nothing, she and Sham have to go to school without money as they often do. Amina's last hope was on Nima when she go for extra classes and as for Sham he also always eat from friends. After school, Sham went home and Amina proceeded to progressive academy for her extra classes.
After extra classes, Amina was returning to the house and as far as she was she could hear noise coming from her house and she could hear voices and she knew they were the voices of her father and the landlord,they were quarrelling over rent issues,that was no news to Amina because it was everyday issue so she became quite use to that.
The next day, Amina returning from extra classes heard the usual noise coming from her house but this time the voices were different from the usual so she paused to listen and noticed that landlord's voice was not part." Then who could this be, quarrelling with dad, wait what? Is that Ilma? ", one of her elder sisters who runned from home, then she heard" not in this house! How could you go and let someone do that to you and you dare came back! Go away, go back to where ever you are coming from!!! You are not qualified to be my daughter anymore! "...that was Amina's father voice. Amina went inside, she knew she could do nothing about it so she headed to the room. Ilma went and got herself pregnant and the worse part of it was that she doesn't know who is responsible. Mr Abu,their father chased her out, already he finds it difficult to cater for Amina and Sham. Mama Aisha, Amina's mom couldn't intervene, she is very well aware of their situation so she couldn't help but to send her own child away.
Amina was still young but had so many things in her mind, she couldn't understand why her family have so many problems, at this young age and stage of her dream she started questioning herself whether she will be able to make it.
" May be they were right, I should just give up on school and start something to get money fast, that way my parents won't suffer because of me" Amina thought as she dozes off on the bare floor, where she sleeps.


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