Meds Pun
Read Count : 68
Category : Notes/work
Sub Category : N/A
Why do meds have to only be medications? Why can’t meds be our prescription to meditate (meditations), to center? I’d like that. If we all centered in our days, we wouldn’t need medications as much. We’re stressed out people, most of us. Why do you think men resort to weed? They have the male gender role expectations of them. Can’t cry in front of anyone. Have to be logical or cover your shit up with humor. Defense mechanisms instead of getting real. W/women, most of us, get real and cry out our inner crap. We vent. We use each other to vent. If men did that, they’d get labeled girly, at least in the U.S. In other countries, it’s even okay for men to walk around holding hands and they’re still considered just friends. It’s not necessarily gay. Men have to be tougher in this country and aren’t legally allowed to be violent, so they turn to at least weed if not other drugs. They need at least free counseling, to vent to someone. I think therapy’s one of the few ways they’d still feel like men and able to open up. I think they should use that. There are free clinics even if they can’t afford formalized therapy. I was on about meds meaning meditations rather than just medications. If you find something that helps you center, even if it’s not meditation (and men were using meditation in ancient China first), use that. Mental wellness is important too, and doesn’t get enough emphasis.
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