Confession Of Forbidden Love
Read Count : 134
Category : Adult
Sub Category : Adult Romance
Chapter 2 winter swim. I woke up the next morning still feeling tired, and a little ashamed of myself all I could think of was why... why would I stand there why would I keep watching and most important why did I masturbate? All of these questions we're going through, my head then I thought about it oh my God I forgot to wipe down the door Corrina had to see that by now she's going to think I'm some sort of pervert. But when I get to the living room Corrina is, still covered up in the blanket laying the same way when I left her last night did I just imagine what I saw was it only a dream? I had to know first thing I did was head, to the kitchen grab my sponge and my bucket for cleaning the bathroom I quickly fill up the bucket with hot soapy water. When I reach the door I could see where, I had ejaculated still there so I knew it wasn't a dream I went into the bathroom and I could see or Corrina had cum at both on the floor and in the bathtub. So I knew it wasn't a dream as I begin scrubbing, all three the door the bathroom floor and the bathtub but my question was "would Corrina say anything about it and how would I explain?" "What should I tell her I'm sorry that I got up last night do originally ghost less my face due to a nightmare and happened to walk by the bathroom and see you masturbating." She would never believe that a matter of fact, she would think I was irregular peeping Tom or pervert she probably even just get up and leave not that I would blame her. I know I would do the same thing if I, was in her shoes and what is the family going to think when they find out they're certainly not going to be okay with this especially my aunt who is also my godmother. That technically makes Corrina my god sister, oh my God just thinking about it I put my hand over the toilet and throw up from the thoughts of my family members hating me. Then Corrina comes running into the bathroom, and starts patted me on the shoulder oh my God what is she going to say but to my surprise she says nothing nothing but what comes out of her mouth next. " Hey Tony are you feeling okay you sound kind of sick." Then she places her hand on my forehead she keeps it there for about 3 minutes or so the warmth of your hand my face feels up with blush then she says. " Oh you must have caught a cold your, head feels warm and your cheeks are completely red" I quickly wipe my mouth of throw up hanging, off of it then Corrina helps me up to bed as I laid back in my bed Corrina says. "Don't worry I'll clean your house for you... you just lay back and get some rest okay Tony." I look at the clock it's a 7:35 a.m. I decide, to do as Corrina says and go back to sleep for a little while but in my dream I see Corrina coming into my room she begins taking off her blouse then she removes her bra my heart begins pounding in my chest. As she pulls down her pants and panties then, climbs over me both of her legs rideapart suppose down my pets and my boxers she puts her mouth on my dick and begins to suck bobbing her head up and down the warmthness and Witness your mouth feels so real. As my dick gets hard I can feel it when she, takes it out of her mouth and then puts it in her pussy now I can feel her riding on top of me as my hard cock begins to swell all up inside of her I can feel my dick becoming harder inside her pussy. And just as I'm about to cum inside of her pussy, I wake up and fall out of bed Corrina comes running in to the room and asked me what happened I quickly reply. "Oh nothing I just tripped is all it's really nothing, for you to worry about it happens to me sometimes I'll just be trying to get out of bed and I'll fall over my own two feet." Corrina walks over and helps me back up, to my feet but as she does I fall backwards onto the bed pulling her down with me she falls right on top of me and I could feel it poking between. my dick was hard as a rock then I realize, that was not the only thing I could feel I felt something soft in my hands oh my God I knew exactly what it was it was Corrina breast they were soft and her nipples were hard I quickly remove my hands from her breast and ask if she's okay? Then she replies " yeah I'm okay what about you?" As she then presses her body against mine, placing her forehead against mine I can feel her creamy white breast pressed against my chest my heart begins pounding. Corrina then says " oh good your fever's gone down I'm glad to see that you're okay." As she stands up and help me back up to my feet, I look at the clock its 10:30 a.m. then Corrina says "come out to the kitchen I made breakfast for you." We head out to the kitchen together on my, dining room table I see two plates and I see a thing of strawberry pancakes with maple syrup poured on them I sit down and grab my knife and fork and start cutting into the pancakes. In front of me to drink was a glass of orange juice, I drink the juice I need the rest of my strawberry pancakes I grab my phone from my pocket the clock on the phone says 11:15 a.m. I told Corrina that I would do the dishes being she was so nice to clean my house. She says okay and heads to the bathroom, I quickly wash the dishes and put them up I head outside and start shoveling snow as I begin shoveling snow I end up walking past the bathroom window which was wide open. I could see the steam from the shower pouring, out of the window of the bathroom I try to walk by quickly find myself stopping staring into the window Corrina was taking a shower. I stood there again like a deer caught, in the Headlights of a car and just like before I could see everything but this time more clearly I saw Corrina creamy white breast hard pink nipple with the water dripping off of them I could see her pussy with her pubic hair partially shaved around it. I tried to look in a way but found I couldn't, so much as turn my head let alone close my eyes what made things worse I can feel my dick stiffening up again am I really some sick twisted pervert who likes watching his cousin in the shower or when she masturbates? Even though these thoughts were running, through my head I couldn't help but stare I mean Corrina had to notice me standing outside the bathroom window. But yet she still stood there taking a shower, rubbing her breast as the soap and water ran down her breast and her cute little pussy after a while she turns off a shower and begins getting dressed and I go back to shoveling the snow. After I got done shoveling the snow, I head back inside and head straight to one of the guest rooms I remove all the boxes and other junk off the guest bed I take it and place it in the hallway closet. Why I was in the hallway closet I grabbed fresh, sheets and some quilts from hall closet and put them in the guest bedroom as I begin my fight to make up the guest bed Corrina comes in and starts to help I go to tell her that I can do it myself but she insisted on helping me anyways. I decide to make some conversation, and ask Corrina about UV College she laughs as she tells me all about the college and her dorm she tells me about the swimming pool and how she's on the swim team. Then Corrina asks me about my job, I told her about how I'm a writer for a book company called the O'Hara Incorporation and that it's a great company for people who are beginning out their careers in book writing. I tell her how my boss is somewhat, of an asshole and how he likes to workers hard into our fingers are bleeding some days she laughs at this I start to laugh too but when she raises her head I can clearly see down her shirt I noticed that she's not wearing a bra I quickly turn my head away and try not to make it look awkward. I quickly think of a new subject and tell her, " speaking about pools I have a built-in pool in the house with a built-in heater if you feel like going for a swim I mean." I quickly think to myself what the hell is wrong, with me it's the middle of winter even with a built in heater in the pool there's no way she's going to go for a swim even if it's inside the house what person in the right mind brings a bathing suit in the middle of winter to someone's house? Then she says to me " yeah let's go first one I brought my bathing suit just don't ask why I would bring a swimsuit to someone's house in the middle of winter."