Growing Up.. Part 3 Read Count : 95

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Drama
So much as happened. I can not think of one time the day did not endwith out someone fighting. My dad beat my mom, my uncle beat his wife and they would even fight each other. I even remember my dad taking his own dads crutches and hitting papa with them. Our papa died when i was about 7. He had polio and it took his life.  That did not stop my dad from being a worthless pos! My Dad was some kind of evil.   One day i was sitting in front of the TV. I guess i was in my dads way. He asked me to move. Before i knew it. He had kicked me right in my tailbone with his steel toe boots. Needless to say he broke my tailbone. Still to this day certain ways i sit or lay will hurt.  I always wonder why dss or noone stepped in. Why  was Me and My brother not important enough? I wonder why i cant remember alot from my childhood. I remember alot of bad things that happen.  My Dad was real big into chicken fights. His chickens were more important then anyone and anything. If he had only $5.00 left but there was no food for us and his chickens. His chickens would get feed first! On weekends he would have chicken fights. People from all over would come. So many people would come, cars would be lined up all the way up the drive way and down the main road. Even the town judge would come. My dad would sell Beer, hotdogs and sometimes beans.  Me and my brother would have to go around and take people their orders and money. We even had to take chickens that lost their fight and break their necks to put them out of their misery. As my dad would say. Then some of these people at these chicken fights would try to touch me or my brother. I really recall a man that was real close to our family. He reached out like he was gonna take the beer from my brother but grab him in his crotch. He said i bet you got a cute one. Jason dropped the beer and we ran off. We never told because we know our dad would never believe us. Every day was scary. I know when dad was at work my mom would listen to her Elvis and dance around. I know in our guts we would watch the time. Every hour that went by and got closer to time for Dad to get home. The more frighten we would become. 
To be continued...
Thank you for reading my story even though i know my story is all over the place.


  • I like your writing style! Simple yet intriguing! Keep it up!

    Jan 04, 2018

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