Read Count : 153
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fantasy
Hey!!! All writing is a work of fiction any resemblance to actual people and or events is coincidental. I am so excited to write I usually post 2 chapters at a time. This particular one is based off a writing prompt I found online. Thanks for reading! -Lydia T. CHAPTER ONE: The swappling. Hurry up she yelled her pregnant belly ready to burst sweat rolled down her forehead and panic arose in her head. "I'm not joking get me in this car now!!!" The expecting mother roared! "I'm sorry muttered a tall young man I just finished packing up the hospital bags." They drove into what seemed like the longest, and most tiring 15 minute car ride. Later that night at the hospital, the beautiful baby girl was swaddled tightly in a blanket, with her deep brown eyes and black hair. She was more than the mother could ever ask for and with that thought she closed her eyes and went to bed. Her slumber was put in a quick hult when she was awoken by a large fairy type creature, in one hand a baby no her baby and in the other an identical infant. Startled by her the fairy dropped both babies on the bed. Not knowing what one was hers she decided to raise and love both children as her own. CHAPTER TWO: Growing Up. That's me. And the women with the swappling, that's my mom. Anyway back to the story. My name is Everligh but I go by Evey and my sister is Rosanne. Growing up, was always magical, mom adored us and doted on everything we did. Our hair was always fixed and pulled back for school. We are her everything and she always makes sure we know it, but this year we will have a life altering experience.... You see in February we will be turning 17 which is undoubtedly be when we will find out who the swappling is. We couldn't be more scared. ☹️ CHAPTER THREE: February I awoke and went downstairs for breakfast, after some oatmeal, I returned to our bedroom when.... There she was standing there her silver wings sparkling in the sunlight, swirls spread across the wings . She looked beautiful the most flattering she had ever been, yet a tear glistened down her gentle cheeks. "Rose" I whispered still quite stunned by the unexpected turn of events. "Uhh I'm.... I'm sorry I didn't mean to and she's your mom and I'm sorry." She blubbered on "I'll leave, I have to I'm just so sorry. I love you Evey. "No!!!" I cried, but it was to late all that was left was pixie dust that had fallen off her wings, out the window she flew. I knew I had to go get my sister, My sister? Yes my sister, I had to get her back. To be continued...